- The Parker County "torture suspect" was in front of a judge yesterday who once again played to the cameras. He angrily ordered the defendant to hire his own attorney within 20 days (after previously giving him 30 days). Hey, the guy is in custody. What are you going to do if he doesn't?
- Christmas idea: The Unabomber auction by the Federal Marshal's office. (As I wonder how many people under 30 know who the Unabomber is.) Edit: I'll be. The Unabomber made news today on a scare not many people remember. (Hint: It involved Tylenol.)
- "Two travelers from Texas were 'kidnapped' Thursday morning at the Arkansas Welcome Center on Interstate 40. Tonya and Ronnie Hale of Decatur, Texas, were chosen as part of the annual 'Snag a Tourist'” event that local tourism officials conduct each year." This annual event, so newsworthy that it was covered by the local Arkansas paper and a photographer, got them a gift basket.
- The Texas legislature has focused on revising photo lineup procedures. I rarely see a photo-lineup in any criminal case. Maybe one in every 200.
- The First United Methodist Church in Decatur is getting a female pastor. I think Bridgeport already has two (Methodist and Presbyterian.)
- If I am wrong on that last bullet point, I'll hear about it within seconds.
- Viral video of the day yesterday was "The Greatest Marriage Proposal Ever." For the first couple of minutes, it was fantastic. Then it spiraled downhill into the vortex of bad comedy.
- A stat I don't believe that made the news yesterday: 85% of college grads are moving back home with their parents. For a week or so to get organized? Yeah, I can believe that. But because they have no where else to go? That can't be right.
- Bridgeport goes to Kennedale tonight for the baseball playoffs. I wonder if any of those guys involved in this week's Teacher Sex Scandal are on the team. (Since they broke no law, they'd still be in school. Right?)
- Never a good sign when you hear your name called out while in the garage only to look up and see the spouse sprinting down the sidewalk. (Family Dog almost got attacked while the Seventh Grader in The House was walking her.)
- A woman ran over her boyfriend as he walked away. Last week's story from Bridgeport? Nope. In Irving on Monday.
- A 14 year old in Crafton has died. I wonder what of.
- Photo of the day: Jilted Chinese
Bridge Bride Tries To End It All. Edit: Have no idea why I wrote "bridge" originally since a bridge isn't involved. Remind me to mention that to my therapist.
- A place I'd never be found at: A Jimmy Buffett concert. (He's in Frisco this weekend.)
- Rank the level of disturbing: (1) Eighteen year old mom tries to smother infant son at a Fort Worth hospital, (2) the hosptital "suspected" something so they put the child in a video monitored room where the act was caught on tape, (3) the tape was shown to the jury, (4) the Star-Telegram puts the video on its web site (but at least blurs out hte baby.)
- Think Jerry Jones is a big spender? Last year, in a non-salary capped year, the total payroll of the Cowboys ranked 29th out of 32 teams.