- The husband of the Kennedale teacher involved in the student sex scandal is catching lots of flak on the radio today for his decision to "stand by" his wife. Hey, it's his business.
- And the more you think about it, that is a strange law she was charged with: Sexual relations with a student even if the student is not a minor. So you have two adults engage in a consenual activity and only one of them can legally be charged with a crime? I can't think of another crime where that can happen.
- Edit: And I should have mentioned that the law doesn't apply to college teacher/students.
- Photo I took of a couple of lawyers in a driver's license administrative hearing yesterday. Golf shirt on one. Topsiders with white socks on another.
- The Family Cat walked past me with a five foot stuffed toy snake from upstairs yesterday. It was a stuffed toy poodle the day before.
- Seventeen young adults are charged with distributing
heroine heroin in Plano and nearby areas. Did you see those kids? About as normal looking as you can get. And they are facing federal charges so the chance of being locked up is significant. That'll solve the problem. Edit: Spellcheck fail. (But funny comment on "heroine")
- Dirk has his best playoff game ever last night and the Oklahoma City Thunder still hung around. (Or so I've heard.) I think that's an ominous sign for the Mavs.
- The Update reports this morning that the tax property values in Wise County will be decreased this year. It's a Christmas Miracle in May.
- Remember when it seemed like every John Grisham book was turned into a movie? The last one was Runaway Jury in 2003.
- I created a "dirt strainer" for the flower bed (to get rid of small rocks) by drilling a million holes in a plastic bucket. Anybody know the number to the U.S. Patent Office?
- In connection with a criminal case, I had to dump the contents of a microcassette onto a laptop yesterday at the Wise County Attorney's office. I used Audacity (freeware) and it worked like a charm. More of a miracle is that someone actually used a microcassette.
- Haven't been able to find a thing on the reason for the Melinda Reeves suspension.
- Star-Telegram headline: "Tarrant County constables honored for rescuing man from 'widow maker'". Did you know that the "widow maker" referred to is the rescued man's term for his heart condition that required two stents? Really.
- Somebody jacked with a park sign in Rhome. (Thanks, Toni.)