
President Gets The Age Of His Child Wrong?

Malia is actually 12 and turns 13 on July 4th.

The President was obviously "ambushed" here with a "gotcha" question. But, you see, he was technically correct.  Malia has been on this earth almost 13 complete years. In fact, she's 98% closer to the 13th anniversary of her birth than the 12th. To say she is "12" might be the common answer to those unfamiliar with the intricacies of days and years, but he was trying to give a complete answer. I'm going to edit Malia's Wikipedia page to make this clear.

(If he had only referred to her as the Almost Eighth Grader In The White House then he could have avoided this altogether.)

Edit: I'm starting to sound like those defending Palin for her Paul Revere remarks? Really? Despite the fact that I  used the words "ambushed" and "gotcha" and made a reference to changing a Wikipedia page (as some Palin fans did to Revere's page), I certainly could not have been intending a Palin parody post. **shaking head**