
"Ok, you can owe me."

The Messenger referred to the golfer as a former Decatur resident. The Star-Telegram has more on the story and a portion of the 911 call.

Edit: I'll give the Messenger credit. This story is picking up potentially nationwide steam tonight. I'm not sure how they learned of it in the first place, but Bud Kennedy sent it out to his followers this morning. Shortly thereafter the Star-Telegram ran with it.  Now the SB Nation blog world has picked up on it (giving only credit to the Star-Telegram) so it might really pick up steam.  It makes sense. The slow foursome on a golf course that almost results in death will get your attention.

Edit the following morning: It's in the USA Today with, once again, the Star-Telegram getting credit.  I bet the Messenger's paywall is preventing them from getting credit.

Edit: So let it be written. So let it be done.