- You save a file by hitting the floppy disk icon - an icon that depicts an item that a whole generation is unfamiliar with.
- A flight attendant has a few glasses of wine and goes home to bed after taking two Ambien. Later, she will leave her apartment barefoot and dressed in her "sleeping clothes" and drive several miles with a flat tire before crashing into another vehicle and severely injuring an 18 month old. The verdict in San Antonio here on the charge of Intoxication Assault.
- John Edwards is a bad man, but I'm not sure he's guilty of campaign financing laws. And I'm surprised his lawyers were able to convince him not to testify.
- For the first time ever this week, I ate some of those golden tomatoes. I'll be dang if they don't taste exactly like red tomatoes.
- I think Mrs. LL woke up and watched The Office at 3:00 in the morning last night.
- For the first time ever, a baby born in the U.S. is more likely to be non-white than white.
- The would-be Paradise model was in New York to become a HowardTV girl.
- One of my favorite actors, Nick Stahl, is missing. He starred in Terminator 3, Sin City, Bully, and In The Bedroom to name a few.
- I think that "Did Texas Execute An Innocent Man" story does have legs. And people are also beginning to remember Justice Scalia's famous concurrence where he said there had not been “a single case—not one—in which it is clear that a person was executed for a crime he did not commit. If such an event had occurred in recent years, we would not have to hunt for it; the innocent’s name would be shouted from the rooftops.”
- I'm in a DWI trial today so it may be slow around here. And the preparation for the trial made me completely miss a "not guilty" verdict in a drug case in the district court yesterday.
- This lady hung herself?