The Bus Monitor And America
The video went viral yesterday morning, and I didn't post it because it was just too sickening. Some older lady has the job of a "bus monitor" (which seems self-explanatory but I didn't know the job existed) and the video captured a bunch of kids just mocking her in an ungodly way. And I do mean ungodly. I don't know how I feel about corporeal punishment these days, but I wouldn't mind seeing these kids getting their butts beaten while I contemplate my position. Everyone seems to feel the same way.
But this story has taken a strange twist. Some guy wanted to help her out by giving her a "vacation of a lifetime" so he set up a website to raise $5,000. Ok, nice gesture I guess. Then her story gets national media attention and the whole thing goes crazy. The last time I checked, the total raised is up to $185,000 and hitting "refresh" on that site is like watching the Jerry Lewis MD Telethon Tote Board. It's insane.