
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • Weird tech day yesterday: Feedly (the RSS reader that I use) was down all day after an extortion attempt followed by a Denial of Service attack. And there was some weird bug in Tweetdeck (which I don't use) jacking up everyone's twitter feeds.
  • The World Cup starts today. I'll try to be interested but won't be.
  • There's been a lot of poor cameramen filming that Lake Whitney house for hours yesterday waiting to catch the moment it would fall into the lake.
  • I thought I'd get killed for suggesting Eric Cantor was defeated for being the only Republican Jew in Congress, but I barely caught any grief at all. Maybe it's a legitimate theory.  Let's be honest, I can't imagine the Tea Party ever voting for anyone who says he does not believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
  • But I did get called out for suggesting that DPS warn the "illegal racing" participants before they were arrested. You kidding me? I know law enforcement warned a recent 8-liners guy in the county a few months back and he was only arrested after he allegedly failed to stop running the operation.
  • Representatives for the GOP convention were in Dallas yesterday and were met at the airport by, of all people, the Cowboys' Rowdy. 
  • I think you can see the Messenger articles online only if you have a paid subscription. And they have shut the comments down on every story.
  • I first mentioned this Open Carry craze in August of 2012. (I think there might have been one before that but lord knows I can't find it.)
  • Some people think attorney Rusty Hardin's firm is abusing the taxpayer for the cost of an investigation about some possible silly impeachable offense by a Texas Board of Regent. When you charge $1,350 for an email (even if it is "lengthy") and take five associates with you to a hearing at a total cost of $26,600, those people may be correct. And from the sound of it, the firm really loves the hourly churning of the typically useless practice of "document review."
  • "UIL basketball tourney likely to leave Austin after 93 years, head to Alamodome." I know one judge who will not be happy.
  • Rick Perry is catching flak today for comparing homosexuality to alcoholism. To the extent that he's saying a person can be genetically inclined to both, that's really more open minded than I thought he'd be.
  • George Bush turns 90 today and will jump out an airplane again to celebrate. He might want to start rethinking that. 
  • NBC had a two hour special on the O.J. Simpson case yesterday since it was the 20th anniversary of the Bronco chase. That was one crazy cast of characters. 
  • Crazy soon-to-be Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick's son was a Harris County prosecutor before being appointed by Gov. Perry for district judge. On his campaign page, he references a Bible verse. I wonder what a Christian would feel like walking into his court if he had referenced the Koran and "do it all for the glory of Allah."
  • Mrs. LL and I watched the pilot for Modern Family and were surprised to learn the characters are almost identical to what they are now. Most sitcoms take some time to develop a character into who they ultimately become. 
  • It looks like Iraq is falling into chaos and now it can truly be considered as dumb of a war as Vietnam. (And I hope we cancel that jet order that Iraq has with Lockheed.)