
Strange Bedfellows But They Are In Bed Together

Look what I saw on the DPS page about surcharges . . .

And look what is currently in the news . . .

Best Excuse Ever For Medical Marijuana

In the middle of that losing streak, he has to be clinically depressed.

Our Week Long Nightmare Is Over

(So sick of everyone talking about this.)


Edit (one you'll either get or you won't):

And Another - Denison


Edit: And Another Another - Pennsylvania


Friday Random Morning Thoughts

  • Small deal: The Tarrant Regional Water District had been sponsoring segments on WBAP until a taxpayer called them out. When contacted, the Board said that WBAP had screwed up and the sponsorship should have been for its program called savenorthtexaswater.com instead of the Water Board. They then said they corrected the error. Then yesterday on The Ticket I heard traffic brought to me by "The Tarrant Regional Water District." 
  • The Ticket's Bob Sturm said last year that if a sport has to "tell its fans to read a league's CBA to understand it" then you've got a league that is in trouble with fans. Man, does that apply this week to the NBA.
  • We've got a cold front coming in with highs in the 80s next Wednesday and Thursday. 
  • I never watch a video or click on a twitter link that reads, "You have to see this" or "You'll never believe what happens next." And my max wait time for a commercial before an online video is 15 seconds. If it's 30 seconds, I'm out. 
  • I stumbled across the Trinity Broadcasting Network last night (so horrible I hit record) and learned there was a "Holy Land Experience" amusement park in Orlando. 
  • I would like to see a list of the all the property sold by Wise County governmental entities at the mass auction this week, for what price, and the name of the purchaser. 
  • Colby Lewis had the worst outing of any Texas pitcher in Ranger history last night. 
  • Does Uncle Nate still hang out with Johnny Football or has be been kicked to the curb?
  • Mrs. LL gave the pig a bath yesterday. Due to all the pig squealing, I had to go up to the bathroom to make sure she hadn't decided to create a slaughterhouse. 
  • I've touted the greatness of Aerial America before and their recent show on Alaska was fantastic. We got hi-def helicopter flyovers of the path that Christopher McCandless took (and the bus he died in) which was the subject of Into The Wild, an extended segment on the Iditarod while it was ongoing, and spent time on the area often camped in by the Grizzly Man.
  • The Sixteen Year in The House has finally become serious about getting her license. I'm not sure what all this online studying is, but it seems a lot more complicated than when I was a kid. 
  • I made fun of those DPS Gun Boats on the Rio Grande back when they were purchased, and I still think that was an enormous waste of taxpayer money. 
  • That Houston area mass execution is an incredibly horrible story. The way the victims were tied up and then shot reminds me of In Cold Blood.


Crazy Video Of The Day

Thankful she wasn't killed. Confused that no one seemed to be helping. And then a bigger question mark formed over my head when I learned this wasn't a car race.

On The President Not Visiting The Border

 "I'm not interested in photo-ops" - The President yesterday in Dallas
Today Gov. Perry and Fox News' Sean Hannity:

Edit: Keeping us safe from the children?

That Houston Area Shooting Last Evening

Meet the victims. Only the girl on the left survived. Good grief. The accused "was estranged from a woman related to the couple."


"Texas In One Vine"

This went somewhat viral yesterday and, honestly, I have no idea what the heck is going on. (I'm guessing its the lyrics and the reaction). But it's oddly hypnotic -- like a great work of art which causes you to see something different in it every time you look at it.

I Get Some Odd Mail Sometimes

That was it.

Irrelevant sidenote: Since the communication deals with "water" and "Rhome", I had forgotten that the top of the city's water tower looks like this from the air.

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • There were thirteen death notices in the Update yesterday.
  • Some guy in our district court, who was either there as a defendant or supporting one, looked at my shoes and said something like, "There's a lot of oil there." What did that mean? Something to do with leather? 
  • These were the two most circulated photos last night: Johnny Football with hot chicks at Fenway Park, and Rick Perry looking like he was about to die sitting across from the President. But probably the craziest one was one of all those police cars that were on the residential street where an alleged killer was on the loose around Houston.
  • My stomach is better. Not perfect. But better. 
  • NBA: Mark Cuban was in a Florida club last night signing an offer sheet with Houston Rockets restricted free agent Chandler Parsons for three years and $45 million. The Rockets will have the absolute right to match the offer which they'll do if LeBron goes back to Miami with Chris Bosh, who the Rockets have a huge offer out to. Then Cuban will have gotten nothing. 
  • Someone wanted me to read a Michelle Malkin article yesterday on the immigration process so I glanced at it and, as expected, it was the same basic rhetoric. But most of her facts on the issue were based on this: "An attorney who worked as a law clerk in the Fifth Circuit shared his firsthand experience with me several years ago." Look at the phrase in the Fifth Circuit and not on the Fifth Circuit court. That could be anyone. Isn't a private law clerk working in Decatur who later gets licensed and moves away "an attorney who worked as a law clerk in the the Fifth Circuit" (since Decatur is in the Fifth Circuit.) Not sure why that jumped out at me so much. 
  • The Family Pig might be the most well behaved of all the living creatures in the house -- human or otherwise. And it likes Cheerios for snacks. 
  • The President had a long day yesterday. And I'll agree that its crazy that we let presidents use so many taxpayer resources on fundraising but they all have done it. 
  • Julian Castro, the Latino mayor of San Antonio, was overwhelming confirmed by the Senate yesterday to be lead the Housing of Urban Development. But Sen. Ted Cruz voted against him. Why? (Cornyn voted in favor of him.)
  • Israel is blowing up the Gaza Strip. Or seems like it.
  • I didn't know until yesterday that Sarah Palin has threatened to leave the Republican Party. With the exception of short interviews on Hannity, she basically doesn't have that big of a forum these days. 
  • I didn't even know the Dallas Morning News had a dual paid website (that they are now shutting down.) But I think it's funny that the News' reporter supposedly interviews the News' Chief Marketing Officer and has to act objective with sentences like, "He declined to provide the paid website’s traffic and number of subscriptions or to disclose the company’s total investment in the project." Hey, that story is nothing more than a press release.  
  • "Google exec’s heroin death on yacht brings arrest of woman police say is call girl." That'll make you do a double take. 
  • If you watch an old episode of Hard Knocks when Wade Phillips coached the Cowboys, you'll be stunned at how uninspiring he was. Or maybe it'll all come back to. "Let the Cowboys ride!"


Everyone Straighten Up! We've Got A Guest In The Metroplex!

From earlier this week:

Say What?


The President shaking hands with a guy wearing a horse head. In Denver.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • Stomach ache. Day two. This is weird.
  • Missed this yesterday: Wise County was selling around 100 foreclosed property at auction. Is a massive sale the best way to do it? Does that bring out the most buyers or is that too much supply at once?
  • Wise County has suddenly turned into the War on Drugs capital of Texas based upon recent trials.
  • Jesse Ventura's defamation lawsuit against the "American Sniper" is a little bizarre. No question Chris Kyle had trouble with the truth but he's dead. Let it go. 
  • The older I get, the more I hate Texas summers.
  • The right wing went nuts when Costco, for whatever reason, pulled the book "America: Imagine a World Without Her" off the shelves. Wait. Hobby Lobby has rights that deserve defending but Costco doesn't?
  • I know nothing about soccer but that beat down of Brazil by Germany was crazy.
  • I bought some new headphones for jogging. They arrived. They are pink. I have no idea how that happened but Mrs. LL will end up with a new present. 
  • Now we have neighbors coming over to see The Pig In The House. 
  • The Ticket's Craig Miller participated in a triathlon while he was on vacation. He wrote about it at length, and it sounds impossible
  • I'd love to hear a conversation between President Obama and Perry.
  • Me the other day to the Sixth Grader In The House: "I'm glad I don't have to put on a uniform every day." Her: "Uh, you kinda do." Dang it,
  • I haven't thrown up this morning. I kind of wish I would.


Not That What They Look Like Makes It Any More Tragic But Whoa

Those Open Carry Folks Will Eventually Cause An Incident - Rightly Or Wrongly

They are technically correct in most states (this is said to be Vancouver, Washington) but, man, this is going to end badly one of these days.  I would think most of these folks are very politically conservative,  but I'm not even sure about that.

Random Baseball Analysis

This was making the rounds this morning. I may need my Baseball Nemesis to clarify a couple of things.

Is this really a great play by Jeter? Doesn't the shortstop always move to second when the runner at first takes off? Isn't that what the runner expects? And wasn't that guy sprinting to second on this hit-and-run regardless of what Jeter did? I think he would have been thrown out any way even if Jeter didn't do the fake catch.

New Reality Show Has Strangers Getting Married

And they get to decide after four weeks whether to stay married or get divorced. Sign me up! I'll have three divorces in the months but, hey, it's all in the rules.

The contestants . . .
 No question. Might even try to talk her into week five. 
 Three weeks and I'm out. High maintenance. 
I'm sleeping with one eye open. Huge chance of being on the crazy train.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • My stomach is killing me this morning. That's unusual for me. 
  • The pot bellied pig project is a success so far. I think. And the coolest thing is that The Family Pup and The Family Cat are very protective of it. I think they are very confused by it. 
  • The head of the Dallas County Republican Party, Wade Emmert, is filling in for Mark Davis this week. Yesterday he said the most "compassionate" thing America could do to for those children south of the border would be to build a wall. Strange concept of compassion. 
  • The Republicans will announce the host of next year's Convention which is currently down to Cleveland or Dallas. I think they'll chose Ohio for political reasons. The GOP needs Ohio. 
  • A naked Prince Fielder in ESPN's "body" issue. 
  • I just threw up. (Not from the Fielder pic, but from the stomach issue.) 
  • Gov. Perry and President Obama issued dueling invitations for a meeting neither one of them cares to have. 
  • Nothing wrong with fundraisers, but this sentence in the Update is vague: "All assigned tasks must be within reason."
  • I jogged yesterday and got way too hot. I'm not sure I can do summer jogging any longer. That's depressing. 
  • Low flying jet at England air show. Oh, my.


Ain't no party like a Southwest Texas State* party cause a Southwest Texas State party don't stop.

* I refuse to acknowledge the new name after the University of North Texas was denied the right to it. (Which I'm sure happened but can't finding anything to back me up.)

Random Monday Morning Thoughts - That Didn't Load On Time!

  • "I have to believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from,” Rick Perry on the current immigration issue while appearing ABC’s This Week on Sunday. And you guys think I butcher the English language.
  • Please, Governor, run for president again. I need material. 
  • Mashable.com had a list of "13 Short Stories That Will Blow Your Mind" this weekend. I read The Lottery again for the first time since high school (still creepy) and read Zombie by Chuck Palahniuk (creepy even by today's standards.) 
  • I was asleep on Saturday when I was awakened by Mrs. Mrs. LL and the Kids launching some type of fireworks that had to be illegal.
  • As I was getting a haircut yesterday, my "stylist" stuck out her tongue to show where she had bit it.
  • I'm embarrassed to say that we all watched the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest live. 
  • My administrative assistant called into question the wording of a sentence I had written in a letter last week. We then then struggled over it for about a minute before we got it right. I liked that. 
  • Tony Romo needs 3,378 yards to become the Cowboys all time leading passer (in yards) over Troy Aikman. He's done that at least six of the last seven seasons. 
  • Fox and Friends Brian Kilmeade wrote a book last year? Those guys over at Fox just let their name be used as a co-author, right? 
  • The Wimbledon women's final took 55 minutes. The men's took 56 minutes and three more hours. 
  • A high tone Austin lawyer gets caught in a $60 prostitution sting conducted by the FBI. More proof we have too many cops 
  • If you want to hear a lot of angst, listen to talk radio on the immigration "crisis". Mark Davis had no where to go on Thursday when he was confronted by a right winger on his lack of "Christian kindness." He had to resort to, "There's is no teaching that says it it is to be done in disobedience to, or ignorance of, the law." Huh?  
  • It sounds like the University of Texas president is being forced out. Something weird is going on in the Evil Empire. 
  • We've got a pot bellied pig in the house. It eats like a pig. And squeals like a pig. I have no idea how I got talked into this. 
  • It's an elusive little thing. 


And We Wrap Up The Fourth Of July Weekend

She seems nice.
She and her friends have been gloating over how all those libruls’ heads are gonna explode over the photo. Unfortunately, someone posted this:

Even I Thought That Was Clever

And the Left comes back with a right cross: