- Man, there are a lot ATM thefts in the metroplex, and a convenience store in Hurst almost was destroyed last night when one was taken from it -- that will happen when you just drive a vehicle straight into the store to break in. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they try to get it open. (I think that was a scene in Breaking Bad.)
- Fox News' Bill O'Reilly was really odd last night when, in connection with the HIV announcement of Charlie Sheen, he called it "legal mumbo jumbo" when legal "expert" guests Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl tried to explain whether it would he a crime in California if Sheen had infected someone with HIV. (It would only be a felony if Sheen "intended" to infect the person, they explained, and it would be a misdemeanor otherwise. That's not exactly a high tone legal mumbo jumbo concept that's hard to understand.)
- The aforementioned Lis Wiehl is pretty hot. Fox News originated the Random Thought Girl being on screen while discussing politics. I just stole the idea. I apologize for this theft of intellectual property.
- Today I might file the most unusual Motion ever in the 271st District Court. And not only will it include an interesting constitutional argument, but I'm fairly certain it will also be the first Motion filed in the history of the United States which references the "Salami Theory" and the book Bonfire of the Vanities in footnotes.
- Oil is at $41 a barrel. That's not going help the oil field come back anytime soon. It was at $105 in June of last year and at $144 in July of 2008.
- TCU dropped in the Playoff Rankings yesterday after escaping horrible Kansas on Saturday. Hey, win out and you'll be in the Top 4. The same goes for Baylor. But I don't see either winning out.
- I always get sucked into Lost in Translation. But I saw Bill Murray on Anthony Bourdain's CNN show over the weekend and he has really, really aged.
- Countdown to the random guy in a Lexus commercial who just seems to easily and without stress present his wife with a new car.
- I just saw a Black Friday commercial by NTB (National Tire and Battery.) I never thought of those products as part of Black Friday. Wait a second! Mrs. LL, I now know what you are getting for Christmas!! What's the PSI on those suckers on the Gangsta mobile?
- Gov. Abbott wants to "re-screen" Syrian immigrants who have already settled in Texas. Maybe that screening can take place in a newly created Texas Syrian Concentration Camp sponsored by Pepsi or Doritos. (He also gave someone a government job as "State Refugee Coordinator." It sounds like she has been a government employee for 28 years.)