- It's MLK Day. All government offices are closed. But do we have Random Thoughts? Yes! Once again proving I'm the hardest working man in show business.
- I want to know more about this story. After a "high speed" chase, the police shoot the passenger and a dog in a car. The dog?
- Iran released three American hostages over the weekend who almost all of us didn't know were hostages.
- Ted Cruz comes across like the Simpson's Mr. Burns when he smiles.
- A debate last night in our house: "When does evening start?" I said 6 p.m. but I might be wrong.
- Mrs. LL came across The To Do List film over the weekend. It was beyond shocking.
- There is a crazy Kennedy assassination memorabilia auction, and I might lose my mind and pull the trigger on one of them. Whatever I get, it won't lose value. I can always resell it. Right?. Uh, right?
- Johnny Football was spotted in a liquor store by TCU. I bet that assistant manager who talked about it gets fired.
- As much as Embarq/Century Link gets a beating in Wise County, I'll give them a shout out. Something went wrong with my dad's account and they almost bent over backwards to fix it. And that was on Saturday.
- Bernie Sanders sounds exactly like Larry David.
- The SUV falling off an overpass in Dallas was horrible. Photo.
- I'm through episode six of Making Of A Murderer. I screamed at the TV which caused Mrs. LL to post this on Twitter. At this point, my opinion is that the guy might be or even probably be guilty, but I would struggle with that issue. Do I have a reasonable doubt? Absolutely. But the great part is that you get to see law enforcement officers who didn't realize their papers would be graded in front of a jury and the public. You can see the sweat on their foreheads because they know they didn't do their jobs.
- My house is now occupied by three females, two female dogs, one male dog (I rarely mention the best pet in the house), one Siamese cat (I hate her), and one 22 pound male cat. I want to officially announce that I have lost complete Scene Control.
- Someone please photoshop my head on this for my political campaign. (It's actually a picture of the ridiculous megachurch preacher Keith Craft but I could use it as a funny bit.) It's a holiday. You have time. And do it in honor of MLK. I have a dream.