- I'm going to need signatures on a petition to get me on the ballot for District Attorney in the fall. I'll be posting a link later today on how it works. #MakeTheDistrictGreatAgain #INeedATruckCap #Fabulous #Luxurious #I'llBuildAWallOnMontagueBorder #TheyWillPayForIt
- "Rainy Days and Mondays [Through Saturdays] Always Get Me Down"
- Dr. Ben Carson is going to endorse Donald Trump? You still want him as your brain surgeon?
- I went up to the courthouse yesterday to retrieve my umbrella and ended up in a 30 minute discussion on socialism. I got drawn out of my three point stance. I'm neither for or against it but I love talking about it. I told one of the courthouse workers that I bust my butt working but I suspect she busts her butt more, yet I got to go to Hawaii last year and she could not. How is that fair? It was the Socratic Method of fueling the discussion and it was fantastic.
- Monroe, Louisiana has receive 20.97" of rain. Somebody needs to check on those Duck Dynasty boys.
- Star-Telegram headline: "Controversial African Elephants Land At Alliance Airport". Controversial? They part of the Black Panther Party or something?
- Crazy discussion yesterday with someone: If you were under indictment and facing prison and you wanted to flee, could you get away with it? The first thing on the other person's list of things to do: Plastic surgery.
- Email I received yesterday: "Ok here is a tip that sounds gay, but is not gay. If you are interested in kayak fishing, search kayak fishing on Pinterest. They have a ton of cool stuff and modifications that folks have made to trick up their kayaks."
- I'm totally concur with BagOfNothing's comment about Anna Kendrick. She jazzes me to no end.
- Note to local and national news sites: If you have a link to a story that has a story but also has a video that automatically plays, I'm out.
- I had someone pass me and almost hit me in a school parking lot for the opportunity to sit and wait one car spot in front of me for two minutes until the doors opened. I so wanted to go off of him/her for being a moron. And that's why I don't need a CHL.