- You need a list for the bombings to keep up: (1) Earlier Saturday, a garbage can exploded near the starting line of a Marine Corps charity run in Seaside Park, New Jersey - no injuries, (2) a bombing in Manhattan on Saturday night hurt 29 people, and another bomb was found nearby, (3) last night a backpack with multiple bombs inside was found in Elizabeth, New Jersey - one exploded during the investigation with no injuries.
- Conspiracy Theory Alert: One began when Trump said that a "bomb went off" in New York City before anyone knew it was a bomb.
- I'm about tired of Lionel Richie and whatever Peyton Manning is doing on Sunday morning.
- One thing I missed in the Sandra Bland settlement, the State has agreed to require extra DPS "de-escalation" training.
- College football: (1) There are way too many replay delays these days, (2) that injury to TCU receiver KaVontae Turpin was brutal (and costly), (3) college football is basically a double elimination tournament to get in the playoff . One loss and you better win out. Two and your done. (4) I'm a big fan of Verne Lundquist but I'm glad he's retiring -- the cracks can be seen, (5) this is the first time ever in Big 12 history that no team is in the Top 15 -- Baylor comes in as the leader at 16.
- My childhood greatest-restaurant-in-the-world, Vance Godbeys, has turned into a Mexican food place.

- Oh, Internet. The Daily Mail ran a story about a Kansas State girl kicked out of school for "posting" a black face picture on Snapchat. Well, kinda. She was enrolled in the Spring but didn't return to school in the Fall when the pictures leaked. (And she didn't post them, someone else did.) In any event, doing stupid stuff will get you.

- I don't understand Snapchat. And whatever happened to the start up competitor that Mark Cuban was always hawking?
- The Rice Band made fun of Baylor's sexual scandal by spilling out "IX" for Title IX when the teams played Friday night. Thoughts: (1) I don't have any problem with it -- their execution could have been better but the comedy intent was sound, (2) What's up with the size of that band?

- Let there be no mistake, I think Hillary will win in November.
- Trump threatened to sue the New York Times this weekend for "irresponsible intent" -- a phrase that sounds like a great title of a legal thriller but does not exist in the law. (We lawyers were laughing like a bunch of plumbers hearing the old Langstrom 7" gangly wrench joke.)
- A journalist at a Trump rally in Houston was arrested for trespassing. First, it was a journalist from Vice so you know you'll hear more about this. Secondly, what in the world is Trump doing in Houston!!!??? Get to Florida. Get to Ohio. This makes no sense whatsoever.
- Some TCU students protested at Saturday's game. I suspect they are the only ones. (I'm not messing with the one girl who will throw down an "aint" in an educational environment.)

- Cam Newton going all barbershop quartet on us yesterday:

- That NFL concussion problem won't go away, and it getting more and more disturbing to realize people are getting carted off the field because their brain just rattled around in their skull. The player below, who is out of SMU, spent the night in the hospital for "observation." He's in his fifth year so the NFL is almost done with him. His four year rookie deal average $500,000 a year. He is 26.
- I'm not sure this was the most sensitive way to word the way the death occurred:

- Remember the "crime alert" I posted from UNT police after a robbery/brief kidnapping? A Denton Ryan high school student who had offers to play football at USC and UCLA has been arrested in connection with it.
- The fascinating Arochi trial resumes this morning. Great twitter updates here. (That's
WFAA's Dallas Morning News' Valerie Wigglesworth twitter feed who does a fantastic court reporting job and has some pretty keen trial observations.)