- "Dallas" is up for adoption. I think my mom needs to check this fella out. She's been looking.
- Senior in the House--- Mom: Finish this, "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends...."
- 7th Grader in the House- Mom: "Why did the cops go to the school?" Me: Why? "Because there was a KID...NAPping."
- I heard Junior on The Ticket talk about drinking your own urine as a health thing a couple of days ago. Come on, that is gross beyond belief. Is there anyone out there that would seriously drink it? I'm not sure I could even if it was a survival thing. It's waste from my body.
- The murder case in Midlothian will probably speed up tremendously now that they are tapping in to her social media accounts. Am I shocked to learn that the may have had financial and marital problems? No. I'm still going with the husband being the source. "......anticipates more warrants in the coming days for Bevers' Facebook and Twitter accounts, and even Tolltag data. Police will also determine whether she had life insurance."
- Did I read in the comments that BOZO from a couple of days ago was adopted? Please tell me I was the reason he found a home. If so, anyone interested in The Fat Cat in The House? He's kinda similar to these kittens. I'm kidding about him being similar to those kittens, but I'm not kidding about him needing a home. Apparently we are a one cat home. The Family Cat objects daily to the Fat Cat.
- He's neutered, likes the 7th Grader in the House and will come with a chip.
- A man from Abilene happens to be a huge fan of The Foo Fighters. In fact, he is so much a fan that he wants to buy Dave Grohl. He's already received almost $1000 in just two days.
- Ok, maybe I'm not as flawless grammatically as I proclaim myself to be. Then again, I'd like to have you look over anything in my job that I spend more time on. I dare you find a mistake. Wait, I recall a certain office manager that I dared to find mistakes. She returned my letter with red marks all over it. I'll just stick to claiming my grammar is better than Barry's.
- Motorcycle death on I635 yesterday.
- Speaking of, Barry is doing better. Barry and I are both very thankful for every well wish, positive thought, encouraging email and prayer. Once back, I'm sure he'll tell you all about the last month or so. And yes, I pinky promise he'll be back to making you laugh, curse and comment like never before very soon.
- Tomorrow is Prom and the same day that the Senior in the House officially becomes Another Adult in the House. Off.
Random Friday Morning Thoughts
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts
- Meet Cute Doggie. He needs a home.
- The 7th grader in the house reading her Chinese homework. I'm going to assume it's correct. Math I can help with. Any other language, not so much.
- The Senior In The House forked a guy friend's yard asking him to Prom. He answered. Back story - her and two female didn't have dates and he's a friend to all three, so he's actually taking all three.
- Hey, it's Cinco De Mayo and this was also the day The Senior In The House was due. She arrived two days late.
- This gal shall pose nude. Wanna see her naked?
- The Cartel Lawyer's wife testified in court. Sheesh, what a horrible ordeal.
- From the Update: Gotta love a good Farm Festival.
- FARM FESTIVAL – The Jerry Askey Memorial Farm Festival is May 5-7 at 635 Private Road 4531 in Decatur. There will be a swap meet 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today and 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday with a tractor fun pull 4-7 p.m. Saturday. Activities include an antique tractor display, tractor pull, wheat thrashing, hay rides, tractor games and monster truck rides, among other things. Cost is $5 per person for ages 10 and older. The event is put on by the Chisholm Trail Antique Tractor and Farm Equipment Club, Branch 112.
- I don't want to talk politics right now.
Random Wednesday Afternoon Thoughts

- I had an interesting evening loaded with lots of places to be. Parent/Teacher Meeting, Band Concert and a Meeting (that I missed). But before that -- this happened. Good times.
- What a strange world I live in. During the band concert, my mother points to her Apple Watch. There's an update that Ted Cruz has dropped out of the race.
- The dear, sweet BagofNothing guy tweeted this awesome gif of awkwardness.
- Johnny Manziel is due in court tomorrow.
- This is why I love softball because of plays like this. I would love to see more than just 30 seconds though. You know that crowd is going bonkers on both sides.
- Be nice to truckers and also coworkers. This was one disgruntled employee and a very sad ending.
- I get a lot of phone calls from coworkers that I wish would send an email instead.
- Woman gets arrested for drug possession. They found heroin, meth, oh, and the remains of her unborn child. "All I ever wanted was to be a mother and a good wife," Bernadette said.
- The random thoughts are a smidge late....I blame the car. Also, I'm incredibly lucky the tire didn't blow on my round trip to Austin Saturday. Sheesh.
- Another Repeat RTG. You're welcome.
- May the Fourth Be With You Today.
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts
- Bozo can be found here.
- Yup, I'm late on the RT today. I'm not the hardest working woman in the business. I had to take the 7th grader in the house to school. Normally, that's the job of the 12th grader in the house or Mr. LL. I left 7 minutes later than she demanded. I got heavy sighs all the way to school.
- From the Update today: APRIL RAINFALL – Wise County received 6.84 inches of rain in April, making it the wettest April since 1998. That was also more than double the average rainfall amount of 3.37 inches. Temperatures in the month ranged from a low of 34 degrees on April 3 to a high of 87 on April 4.
- And the very next line: SLIGHT RAIN CHANCE – After a sunny day with a high of 72 degrees this afternoon, a 20 percent chance of rain is in tonight’s forecast.
- I'm not sure what I think about the bathroom issue. I'm leaning towards not wanting to see a male walk in behind one of my female children.
- I'm thinking the Texas Tech boys behaved badly, but I also have trouble with an opposing team's cheer girls taunting from their side.
- I got to watch a small portion of the Rangers game last night. Not as fun to watch as softball, but it'll do.
- And for your strange news of the day, a woman born with two female parts.
- That's all you get for now, if you behave yourselves, then I'll make up for it with more around lunchtime.
Random Monday Morning Thoughts
- It's still Mrs. LL blogging.
- The 7th Grader in the House won State! Ok, maybe she had a little help from a few other girls. She even played with an eye injury. She got kicked in the eyeball accidentally by her bff during their "recess" time the day before. It looks pretty gross. I almost tweeted a picture.
- I will lock on to college softball game if I see one on tv. In a heartbeat.
- I understand The Cowboys drafted a Baylor basketball player. Yes, basketball. Who does Jerry Jones thinks he is, Jack Lengyel? I'll need The Self Proclaimed Sports Expert to explain that one to me.
- I saw that Blackie Sherrod died. He was actually the inspiration for Mr. LL's Skattershooting that he wrote while DA. I never understood why he used a "k" instead of a "c".
- Ok, even I am stunned by Trump. How has this even been possible? Seriously.
- Shocking six dead in Palestine flash flooding. Sheesh.
- I went for a walk in an Arlington Park (to look for a geocache) and saw an actual beaver swimming around. Two minutes later an armadillo crossed within five feet of me on the sidewalk.
- This month, the number of Texas residents that have a CHL will top 1 million. One million.
- This week we make final preparations for The Dreaded Prom. It's only dreaded because it's the same day The Senior In The House turns into an adult. I'm not the crier in the house, but I've done more than my fair share this year with all the "Last. ____".
- I can report from the Traveling Liberally Lean Gangster Automobile that traffic on I35 between DFW and Austin really sucks. Sucks, bad. Is the concept of "left lane passing only" such a hard thing to grasp?
- I'm told that there is not a single natural gas well working the Barnett Shale. Not one. Is that true?
- Wise County Animal Shelters gets all sorts:

- RTG: 1.) I cheated. She's a repeat. 2.) Don't expect that gender daily. 3.) Cute Animal. 4.) Hot guy.
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