Cat Like Reflexes
Waitress with crazy reflexes stop mug from crashing to floor in the best way https://t.co/TkXS6AWOIu pic.twitter.com/libMqp5D4E— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) June 17, 2016
This Is Like The Zapruder Film
I could watch this all day. Nothing I enjoy more than watching a bro being a bro get served up a perfect mouthpiece. https://t.co/gxETUOFAsd— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 17, 2016
Guy gets hit by mouthpiece as Curry gets ejected last night. It was like he was hit by a sniper.
Random Friday Morning Thoughts
- There was just something uncomfortable about that Trump appearance in Dallas last night. A predominately white crowd inside, minorities protesting on the outside, and more cops than you could shake a stick at. It feels like the 1960s.
- And what in the world was FBC Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress doing on stage?
- With Briles turning on Baylor yesterday, we have an official Dumpster Fire ongoing at Baylor and it may go on for years.
- Briles' lawyer is Earnest Cannon out of Stephenville. I know nothing about him. But he does have a swagger about him . . .
- Someone told me there was a metroplex news crew on the Decatur courthouse square this week. I didn't see them. What was that about?
- There was an alleged upskirt photographer on the prowl in McKinney, Celina, Prosper and Frisco.
- Odd moment of the week: I'm fishing. Get a fish on the line. The fish makes a run for it to a nearby brush and gets hung up. I have the Seventh Grader In The House hold the rod and reel. I load up in the kayak knees first to retrieve said fish. And the Family Pup, in an unauthorized move, jumps on the back of the kayak because it wishes to eat the fish. Verdict: Delicious Bass successfully retrieved and released. Family Pup wonders how fish just disappeared.
- Valley Ranch shuts down this week. I've never even driven by it.
- So what are the rules for buying a gun at a gun show? Do I have to show an ID? Is there a background check? Waiting period? Or is it like buying a radio at a garage sale?
- Obscure story: A man in Virginia finds a bunch of antique clay pigeons originally delivered to a descendant of Admiral Stephen Decatur. The man called a "museum in Texas" and sent them a few. Is that our museum in Decatur?
- I heard long time televangelist James Robison on The Mark Davis Show promoting a new book and a relatively new website, The Stream. He said the website had gained one and half million new visitors over a two day period the week before. I know nothing about the site, but that assertion has all the makings of a lie.
- I bet 75% of you have no idea who James Robison is. He was a big player in DFW back in the day, and he and Cullen Davis "later destroyed more than a million dollars’ worth of jade, ivory, and gold objects because they honored what he called false gods." Tell me you know who Cullen Davis is.
- I'm actually caught up to date on the O.J. documentary. No judge had less control of a courtroom that Lance Ito. Now 65, he retired two years ago.
- Random TV Judge Trivia: Judge Wapner is alive at the ripe old age of 96. "Rusty the Bailiff" died in 2002.
Fox 4's Steve Eagar Needlessly Calls Out Former Fox 4 Employee
What you see there is Eager (who comes across as a jerk on Twitter) saying that someone wasn't ethical. Former Fox 4 gal Lari Barager asks "who?", and Eagar posts Rebecca Aguilar's tweet to him a couple of days ago. Aguilar was frustrated that many of the local affiliates were ignoring the murder of a local Telemundo media guy.
Eagar got meaner:
I tend to agree with her. Fox 4, as does every local news station, uses content from other media outlets all the time and simply gives them attribution. (Although stealing content by everyone is rampant.)
But, wait, there's more.
Two things: (1) His blood test was .12 but "“What it really came down to was the [video]. He just did not look like somebody who was intoxicated. (2) The only reason it went before the grand jury was because there was a person in the car under 15. If not, the case would almost certainly have been filed directly as a misdemeanor and have a public cause number right now. Story.
This is the second time in the last couple of weeks where the Tarrant County grand jury has acted, from a historical standpoint, unpredictably. I wonder if it is because of a new law which requires grand juries to be composed much like regular juries -- from a cross section of the community.
New York: Gas Can Ignites
Stop, drop and roll! https://t.co/kiGliWFMBr pic.twitter.com/xBI0DOtsNb— NBC DFW (@NBCDFW) June 16, 2016
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts
- The first two stories on NBC Nightly News weren't good for Disney. The first one was about the alligator attack and the second one was about the nightclub shooting complete with a photo of the shooter holding a kid wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt.
- Clever headline: "Tragic Kingdom".
- There was a standoff in Dallas yesterday evening. Think they brought enough cops? (Fox 4 says the following are all "first responder" vehicles)
- Tell me this is not an ad: Tony Romo, who never tweets, posted a photo of himself with the caption of "I had so much fun helping @Target shoppers pick out Father's Day gifts in Dallas tonight!" Target paid Romo for that, right? No question. (I saw it on Fox 4 who just acted like Romo just happened to be shopping at Target. Was Fox 4 paid by Target to promote it as a human interest story, too?)
- You would think e-books would cost only 20% of the hardback price. I mean, when you boil it down to manufacturing, storage and shipping, they shouldn't be in the same ballpark. (I just decided to check the prices on Amazon. Stephen King's new book sells for $17.36 with the Kindle price being $14.99. Something ain't right.)
- Former Dallas mayor Tom Leppert was of Fox 4 last night to talk about "what to expect" at the Trump rally today and he went into a Trump Talking Points spiel. I tried to Google some connection between the two but got totally distracted by a story of Leppert auctioning off his 8,000 square foot kick arse ski house in Park City, Utah earlier this year.
- I didn't understand the pose of Tech's Coach Bro which was revealed yesterday as the cover photo of Dave Campbell's Texas Football. Then I discovered it's a re-creation of the 1963 cover featuring Darrell Royal.
- Someone to me at the courthouse yesterday: "Did you hear about Lil' Wayne's seizures?" I didn't expect to be asked that. (Ticket fans: That was very similar to, "Did you know Fat Joe left Atlantic?")
- Under the radar Waco Twin Peaks Biker news: (1) The DA sheepishly wanted a gag order which a "whatever you want" district judge granted, (2) the order was appealed to the Waco Court of Appeals which overturned it, and (3) the DA still tried to get the gag order by appealing to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals which yesterday, after initially granting the DA a stay, refused to help him out. Now if the DA would only get to work on the cases. It's been over a year. 177 arrests. No trials. No convictions. No plea bargains.
- I've not followed the Oakland PD news but it sounds like its a mess. There is some "sex scandal" going on which caused some suspensions and the resignation of the chief. Then they appointed an "interim police chief" who was fired after six days with authorities calling the hiring a "mistake".
- The Supreme Court will issue some big opinions today or within the next week. Two I'm interested in are (1) can the State make it a crime to simply refuse to submit to a breath test after being arrested for DWI even if you are ultimately not guilty of DWI? (Prediction: The answer will be "yes"), and (2) Are Texas' new abortion restrictions unconstitutional? (Prediction: "Yes" again). I listened to the oral arguments in the DWI cases and the justices, amazingly, had no idea there was a massive difference between a portable breath test on the side of the road and an Intoxilyzer test at the jail.
- ABC News didn't explore the angle of whether Disney should have had alligator warning signs. Why? ABC is owned by Disney.
More Trump News
And Dallas is gearing up:Right now outside Trump rally in Atlanta. (Via @JimDalrympleII) pic.twitter.com/8BDb6wb8zY— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 15, 2016
.@DallasPD riot training at Fair Park. Just before political rally & protest tomorrow. @NBCDFW #NBCDFWNow pic.twitter.com/Deh0QGuHB6— Ken Kalthoff (@KenKalthoffNBC5) June 15, 2016
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts
- A horrific vacation story this morning out of, incredibly, Orlando: A two year old boy was attacked and dragged into the water by an alligator off the shores of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. He was wading in about one foot of water with his father at around 9:30 p.m. last night. He is still missing.
- The exact name of the body of water is Seven Seas Lagoon which is surrounded by Disney hotels and the monorail system. I swam in it as a kid.
- I watched Part 2 of the 30 for 30 on O.J. last night. It's getting really good and far more of a history lesson than an O.J. lesson. (I had completely forgotten about Latasha Harlins who was a 15-year-old African-American girl who was shot in the back of the head in 1991 by Soon Ja Du a 51-year-old female Korean-American store owner. It was caught on video. She received 5 years probation which led to racial unrest.)
- Donald Trump was supposed to make a stop in DFW but Grand Prairie said no and then Irving said no. The cities claim it was a logistics problem. Some think it was a potential protester problem.
- Speaking of protests, Trump's visit to San Antonio on Friday might be pretty eventful.
- I think this is big Texas news that is flying under the radar: "The Texas Attorney General's Office has found a new way to punish parents who are behind on child support payments: Blocking their vehicle registration renewal."
- I wondered how long it would take Alvord's native son, Danny Neighbors, to get back into coaching.
- I do need to get out more: I had no idea that Frilly's had opened up a Tex Mex place and will soon open up a BBQ place at Sean's old location. (Speaking of BBQ, I've heard good things about the new place up near Alvord in the old Cow Camp location.)
- Bridgeport Police Chief Steve Stanford had a funny quote about Facebook which helped his agency solve a theft case: "Something positive finally came from social media."
- I've been listening to a multi-part podcast on World War I which I know nothing about. I was stunned by this number: On the first day of Germany's full blown invasion into France, France lost 27,000 men. Holy cow. The bloodiest one day battle the U.S. has ever gone through is Antietam in the Civil War which left 7,650 dead (and that includes those who died in later days and weeks from injuries.)
- I had a defendant (not mine) in court the other day who randomly started complaining to me about President Obama's portrait hanging on the wall. "Why?" he asked. "He don't even know how to put his hand over his heart." I'm sure the guy didn't enjoy being called to court, but that was some misplaced anger right there.
- Did you know there are actually four stanzas of the National Anthem? There are always over/under prop bets for the Super Bowl on how long it will take to sing the anthem and they normally come in at around 2:20. So to sing the whole thing would normally take nine to ten minutes.
- Very random trivia: The longest #1 Billboard hit ever was Don McLean's American Pie which clocked in at 8:36. The Beatles Hey, Jude ranks second at 7:11. And, now, for the most random link in the history of ever: Listen to the Brady Bunch do a cover of American Pie here.
- I've mentioned before about how often I think flags are flown at half-staff. I'm right. Last year they were officially flown in that manner on 64 days (not to mention how local entities take it upon themselves to lower it on additional days for local incidents or deaths.)
Official Liberally Lean Girl
Ed O'Neill didn't know who she was. She just approached him the airport because she was a fan of Modern Family.
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts
- Two flashback basketball thoughts from my very younger days: (1) "Three [free throws] to make two", and (2) Girls six person basketball where there were three offensive players on one end and three defensive players on the other -- and all could not cross half court. (I'd like to see that again.)
- The great documentarian Ken Burns absolutely went off on Trump at a commencement speech at Stanford over the weekend. “He is an insult to our history,” Burns said. “Do not be deceived by his momentary good behavior. It is only a spoiled, misbehaving child hoping somehow to still have dessert.”
- Two thoughts on "watch lists": (1) The fact that the government has one at all is a little Orwellian, (2) So far the concept has been wildly unsuccessful. When the government watches everyone -- NSA -- they are in effect watching no one.
- "Philly journalist buys AR-15 in 7 minutes." I saw that headline and used The Google to try and find one for sell nearby from a legitimate merchant. I came across this page from Cheaper Than Dirt.)
- I've been trying to collect 500 signatures to get on the ballot in November as an Independent. I'm getting there, but I still have a significant way to go. Email me at rx@wisecounty.com if you want to help. We'll do the footwork. We have nine days to go, and I don't want to take us to DEFCON 1.
"Get the ICBMs in the bullpen warmed up
and ready to fly."
"You don't tell your pappy how to court the electorate.
We ain't one-at-a-timin' here. We're mass communicating'"
- One of life's greatest joys: When another lawyer in town drops by with a few home grown tomatoes.
- A Richland Hills guy had a friend place a "Pick Six" bet for him at Lone Star Park on races being run at Belmont Park. The result? A $486 bet turned into $702,114. The largest win ever at Lone Star.
- I remember being at Lone Star Park about 15 years ago and after the first race I went to collect my winnings (probably $5). The guy in front of me who was about my age told the cashier that "this is going to be big" so I began to watch. The cashier scanned his ticket, looked at the screen, disappeared for a minute and then came back with over $3,000 in cash. The guy took the money, looked at me, and said, "I'm outta here."
- Orlando victims: The oldest was 50. The youngest was 19.
- Sheriff Joe, in a move which will probably secure him the Nobel Peace Prize, announced he is postponing his birthday party in light of the Orlando shootings.
- Everyone, especially The Ticket, is giving Baylor the business on this Art Briles issue. I just want to ask them to pull out a piece of paper and write down everything Briles did wrong. Not sins of omission but sins of commission. The problem is that no one knows.
The Deadline Nears -- We've Gone To DEFCON 2
Edit: If you've got forms you haven't turned in, I need them. Pronto!
Ok, as some of you guys know, I have filed a Declaration of Intent to run for District Attorney as an Independent. However, the Declaration doesn't put me on the ballot. While traditional candidates of the two party system simply get to pay a filing fee to get on the ballot, the government doesn't like rebels and requires Independent candidates to collect 500 signatures to simply give voters a choice in November.
I've recently sent out many letters to people who I think would be willing to help in collecting signatures, but I'm sure I've forgotten some names. Also, I might simply be unaware of some people who would be willing to help.
If you haven't heard from me, I still want and need your help. If you want to sign the petition or simply collect a handful of signatures, HERE is where you need to go.
If you don't want to do it for me, do it because you are sick and tired of a two party system. Signing the petition isn't a vote for me -- it just gets me on the ballot. And there is nothing more disheartening than going to vote in November without any contested races in Wise or Jack counties. So do it so you can at least have a choice in November, If you like me, you'll be able to vote for me. If you hate me, you'll get the satisfaction of voting against me. Everybody wins!
(The history of how I got to this point can be found by clicking on the tab above labeled "The Campaign For DA.")
Trouble At Weatherford College
Story. Obviously relevant to Wise County because of the campus between Bridgeport and Decatur.
(Thanks to a faithful reader.)
Other Crazy News From Friday
We had the kidnapping and murder of a guy at a DFW airport last week which prompted Arlington Police to release a video of a robbery which might be similar. They guy walks back to his car around the 1:00 mark and the robbers show up at around 1:25.
The camera from inside the store is even more frightening:
This is haunting... President Obama responding to a Pro-Gun Advocate just last week... wow. pic.twitter.com/bNHce8ZuHb— RickyFTW (@rickyftw) June 12, 2016
Random Monday Morning Thoughts
- Chip Brown of Horns Digest, who correctly predicted Ken Starr's demise, reported this morning that the Baylor Board of Regents will vote this morning on the proposition of giving Art Briles only a one year suspension and then reinstating him. (Bleacher Report has confirmed the news.) Right or wrong, this has been a cluster.
- Donald Trump got a lot of attention because of his tweets yesterday but he started earlier in the weekend with: "Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be a Native American in order to advance her career. Very racist!" That man is full throttle.
- I blew past the Borat movie over the weekend but happened to see the scene where he is in Manhatten. One image captures him standing in front of a "Trump University" sign.
- Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick claims that his controversial tweet after the Orlando Murders was just a coincidence. Maybe. But after you go on anti-LGBT rants for months, you really don't get the benefit of the doubt. (Side note: He was "out of the country". Where, why, and are we paying for it?)
- A video has surfaced of the moment the gunfire began.
- Overshadowed in the mass shooting is the murder Friday night of Christina Grimmie - a former contestant on The Voice. She was shot a point blank range while signing autographs in . . . Orlando.
- There were 300 people in the Orlando club at 2:00 a.m. closing time? That's one happening club.
- There's an Uber type company advertising on The Ticket with a twist: They promise to get you home from the bar by sending two guys: One to get you home and one to drive your car home with you.
- "Hundreds of baby lawyers who graduated from law school just last month will make $180,000 or more working at corporate law firms in Texas this next year — $9,000 more than the state pays Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht." Thoughts: (1) That $180K job looks nice, but it is the worst job in the world. You work long hours producing nothing of substance and charge people outrageous sums for your time. (2) But their pay is more justified than the work schedule of a Texas Supreme Court justice. (3) The $180K makes people want to go to law school only to find out that once they graduate it's hard to find a job.
- Miranda vs. Arizona was decided 50 years ago today on a 5-4 vote. And no decision has been more misunderstood than Miranda by the public. No, the police do not have to read you your rights. They do have to read you your rights if you are in custody and want to interrogate you. (Here's a picture of Mr. Miranda who died in 1976 at age 34 after being stabbed in a bar.)
- The annoying professional networking site LinkedIn which bombards you with emails is about to be bought by Microsoft for $26.2 billion. Dear Microsoft: You've lost your way and your mind.
- I watched the first episode of the 30 for 30's O.J.: Made In America. Other than the first five minutes showing a parole hearing, I was underwhelmed.
- "BELLEVUE, OH - Three women are under arrest after they assaulted a McDonald's employee because she was working too slowly in serving them. In their booking photos, two of the women appear to be smiling after their arrests." Let's take a look . . .
- Did the cops at Love Field really need to shoot the guy who was armed at one point with rocks? Seems like a great place for a taser.
News Of A Historic Mass Shooting At A Gay Nightclub This Morning
[Edit: WOW! That was just the early news report. Now the news is reporting at least 50 dead]
Edit: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick chimed in this morning:
His spokesman claims it was pre-approved days ago -- but it has not been taken down.
The previous top five:
32 killed – April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. A gunman, 23-year-old student Seung-Hui Cho, goes on a shooting spree killing 32 people in two locations and wounds an undetermined number of others on campus. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho then commits suicide.
27 killed – December 14, 2012 – Sandy Hook Elementary School – Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza, 20, guns down 20 children, ages six and seven, and six adults, school staff and faculty, before turning the gun on himself. Investigating police later find Nancy Lanza, Adam’s mother, dead from a gunshot wound. The final count is 28 dead, including the shooter.
23 killed – October 16, 1991 – In Killeen, Texas, 35-year-old George Hennard crashes his pickup truck through the wall of a Lubys Cafeteria. After exiting the truck, Hennard shoots and kills 23 people. He then commits suicide.
21 killed – July 18, 1984 – In San Ysidro, California, 41-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a pump-action shotgun and a handgun shoots and kills 21 adults and children at a local McDonalds. A police sharpshooter kills Huberty one hour after the rampage begins.
18 killed – August 1, 1966 – In Austin, Texas, Charles Joseph Whitman, a former U.S. Marine, kills 16 and wounds at least 30 while shooting from a University of Texas tower. Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shoot and kill Whitman in the tower. Whitman had also killed his mother and wife earlier in the day.
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