- A couple of years back, a high school football player was charged with sexually assaulting a young boy in the Texas Capital Of Wrongful Convictions: Williamson County. The case grabbed headlines. He turned down a plea bargain, was convicted, and sentenced to 25 years. Yesterday, in a shocking development, law enforcement re-opened the case because they might have got it wrong. So wrong that they went so far as to name a new suspect.
His friends in courtroom when sentence was announced. - Understand that in order for a case like that to go wrong, a prosecutor had to stand in front of a jury and tell them that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. How can you get it so wrong? Or, in more practical terms, how can you recklessly talk yourself into believing something that you cannot possibly know?
- And Another (Washington State):
- A Montana courts reporter called out a New York Times reporter who stole her work in the Congressional candidate body-slamming case.
- Quickly deleted yesterday:
- In case you didn't see it, the Body Slammer won last night in Montana despite the incident the night before.
A little callback humor for ya. - I've always told Mrs. LL I wanted to drive the famous Highway 1 in California. It looks like to do it this summer would be a little challenging.
- A little fun long read for your long weekend: A Texas Monthly story on corrupt cops on the border. It always seems to involve unsupervised drug cops.
- A 45 year old south Texas high school principal shot himself in the school's parking lot after resigning. He was not under any type of investigation.
- Trump was Full Trump yesterday.
- You want to be miserable? Walk around the Colonial Golf Tournament today in this heat and humidity.
- In a nine inning game last night, your Texas Rangers struck out twenty times. That ties a major league record.
- I missed that Fox 4's Steve Eagar, when talking about security for an upcoming concert in Grand Prairie, said John Lennon would be appearing instead of John Legend. I bet some teleprompter script writer got chewed out.
- Speaking of Fox 4, the crazy guy who ended up being burned in the RV yesterday actually called Fox 4 during the chase. It was recorded. You think the station would lead with that last night on its newscast if, for nothing else, self-promotion. Nope. They did two spare stories before they got to the RV story, and then just casually threw in the call reference and played the audio.