
Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • Talk about police overkill. That high speed chase on Friday by the 18 wheeler in Arlington led to an unnecessary standoff, and the police came out in numbers and gear which would have allowed them to overthrow a third world country.  They even had an unnecessary "sniper." I promise you, give me any of our last three Sheriffs (Ryan, Walker, Akin) and two competent deputies and that guy would have walked out of his truck in five minutes. 
  • A funny moment was when Fort Worth PD tweeted that they wanted a helicopter to back off so they could hear. KXAS then said on their broadcast, "We are going to back up the helicopter so they can hear." This followed: 
  • In maybe the worst "look at me!" moment I've seen in a long time, the Fort Worth Police Chief showed up at the scene. 
  • Adam West, the original Batman, has died. Man, I had forgotten how funny that show was (although as a boy I thought it was nothing but a true drama.)  And when you have Batman surfing in a bathing suit, you know you have comedy gold: 
  • And how can you not love lines like this: 

  • The way-too-early discussion of who will receive the governor's appointment to replace John Fostel as district judge has begun. There seems to be one obvious choice.
  • The Alvord dad/daughter photo has made it to CNN:
  • Then again, it doesn't take much to make it to CNN these days: 
  • What does this even mean? 
  • Trump said in a news conference on Friday that he is "100%" willing to testify under oath. Anyone believe that? That would end his Presidency in a New York minute because he cannot speak without lying. It will never happen voluntarily.
  • This is what Trump meant? 
  • There was a very confusing "Anti-Sharia-Law" protest this weekend. Nevertheless, this trooper vs. protester vs. photographer photo makes me laugh for some reason:
  • I almost ran over a raccoon this morning.
  • The testimony of AG Jeff Sessions this week may be more entertaining than Comey's. He's admittedly lied about his past contact with Russia, and he's not that bright. He might get mauled. (But it is still up in the air whether his appearance before the Senate committee will be public.)