
It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

 Good puppy dog. 

 "Look, honey! A guy on a horse!"
 Get me this . . . uh . . . what is it?
 I've heard about people breaking TVs before over Sports Anger, but never Sports Happiness.

 If you're gonna go, go large. 
Our future is bright. 

Go Ahead. Let Your Kids Play.

From last night.

And if that guy is not suspended, there is something seriously wrong.

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • My bullet point about the Decatur EDC purchasing the land from the "Wise County Consortium" (what is that and who is involved?)  gave rise to a comment I didn't post because I can't verify it. I know I'm being vague because I have to. But it was fascinating. 
  • The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases involving automobiles and the Fourth Amendment. I love this stuff. 
  • Puerto Rico to Trump might end up being what Katrina was to Bush. Trump was more concerned about the NFL than people dying. (Any chance he had no idea they were U.S. citizens?)
  • Cowboy's Sean Lee is hurt again.What else is new? 
  • Face Blindness actually has a name. It's called Prosopagnosia. And head injuries can cause it yet leaving you with all other cognitive skills. All my good friends know I suffer from it. It's frustratingly bizarre.
  • Below: A letter from a high school principal telling student athletes they cannot kneel during the national anthem. He should be fired because of his basic ignorance of the constitution. The government, and, yes, a public school is the government, cannot tell any student to do this.
  • Tarrant County DA Sharen Wilson released a list of financial supporters. The number of criminal defense lawyers on it is shocking and proof that we need District Attorneys appointed and not elected. And I encourage you to click on the link just to see how she labels the levels.
  • The Texas State Fair starts today. #NeverForget.
  • Good lord, the goofy Texas Supreme Court judge, Don Willett, will be appointed by Trump to the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Make no mistake about it, the guy is a fraud. He's a conservative judicial activist who used Twitter to come across as an "Aww Shucks" yokel using dad jokes and pictures/exploitation of his kids to endear himself to the Bubbas of the world. And an appointment to a federal appeals court? Normally that is reserved for federal district court judges who know at least something about federal law. 
  • It's a lifetime appointment, by the way.
  • Somehow Trump never saw this tweet during the campaign:
  • Let's check in on Trump's mental health: 
  • This pic is from yesterday. And right now these lyrics popped into my head: "Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday."
  • Shout out to the City of Bridgeport for being very responsive to a request I had. 


The Drivers Were Obviously Paying Attention

There has never been worse driving than there is today. Watch your speed. Keep your distance. Look at your mirrors. Keep off* your phone. This is not hard.
*The original version of this compelling and probable award winning post used the word "of" instead of "off". The Liberally Lean Editorial Staff apologizes for this egregious error. 

Ill Just Leave This Here Without Comment

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • The interviews in Austin for the Wise County district judge appointment to replace the late Judge Fostel will happen tomorrow. 
  • Baylor is bad and it doesn't help that two star players have been lost for the season with injury. 
  • I had this photo on my bulletin board in my room as a kid. I really didn't understand why.
  • One thing I didn't mention about my trip to the Duke/Baylor game: The Duke band played the Baylor school song before the game. That was very classy.
  • The Ticket had an odd weather alert yesterday (you know, that irritating sound before you hear the warning.) It was odd because that sound was played five or six times before I heard "this is only a test." I honestly thought it was going to be a nuke warning since there wasn't a cloud in the sky. 
  • Around 1990, a buddy and I were going to a North Texas football game and a warning came over the radio. I promise this is true: It said "The White House has activated" followed by basically a warning there was an impending attack. We freaked out. Then some guy came on the radio and said, "Sorry, I played the wrong one."
  • John McCain will defy Trump until he dies -- which may be soon due to his brain cancer. Who do you respect more? 
  • Good point: 
  • Hugh Hefner has died. 
  • Puerto Rico is closer to Miami than Philadelphia is: 
  • Whenever I see an ad with the wording of "$10,000 off sticker price" I wonder how much the thing costs. And normally it's for some jacked up truck.
  • The Decatur Economic Development Board just purchased land off of 287 for just under $2 million. I want to see where this is going. 


I Can't Stop Laughing

Mrs. LL's debit card got wet and stopped working and needed a new one. I was ordering one online and found out you could personalize them. You could use any picture. A faithful reader created this pic for me a couple of years back so I thought I'd do a bit and surprise her (to her horror.) I was going to be so excited to see her face when she opened up the bank envelope.

This is the response I got within one day.

Funny. So funny. I don't know if it is "provocative" or "sexual" that got me disqualified. I'll take either one.

(But it kind of makes me want to move three accounts. Let's lighten up a little bit.)

Fast And Furious

And, let me be clear, I'm not saying the photo below is of the guy. Per the information in the Messenger link, it is just a man who has the same name and lists the same home town. I found it by searching Twitter (and the guy has never posted anything.)

Wait, What?

That boy(?) is either not good with paperwork (he has a track record) or we have a heck of a story here. He voted that way for eight years.

Quick: Guess Who This Is?

He was ranting about the NFL protests this morning.


Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

  • It's from Wonkette, but this is a crazy story. It has a legal twist, a reference to the Dallas Morning News, and the "Streisand Effect." (Thanks to a Faithful Reader.)
  • Six man football news from last weekend: Campbell 125, Fannindel 122 (and the game was stopped with seven minutes left because of injury.)
  • The University of Maryland has lost their quarterback and their backup quarterback to torn ACLs.
  • If he keeps his job, I'll be stunned:
  • I haven't had the hiccups in years yet I've been hit with them twice, hard, over the last two days. 
  • And Another (Kerrville):
  • Repeal and Replace? Those boys can't get anything right.
  • I finally listened to a Tony Romo broadcast (when I went back to try and watch a recording of 60 Minutes). I thought he would be as boring as all get out. Instead, he is over the top and irritating. 
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says CBS 11 discriminated against Tammy Dombeck. I vote for her. 
  • As I predicted, Crazy Roy Moore beat Trump's selected candidate, Luther Strange, in Alabama last night. Trump then deleted all the tweets of support for Strange and then posted this.
  • As I predicted months ago, the Rangers were eliminated from the playoffs last night. 
  • When I first started to drive, my dad gave me one of his credit cards and told me to only use it in an emergency if my car broke down and it was an emergency. I never used it. 
  • Any chance the jury didn't know the difference between millions and billions? One thing the plaintiffs were mad about was that "the bank took years to release basic interests in art, home furnishings, jewelry, and notably, Mr. Hopper's collection of 6,700 golf putters and 900 bottles of wine."
  • The 660 The Answer radio host Mark Davis this morning on Dale Hansen's Unplugged about the NFL protests: "Who does he think he is!?"
  • The Harris County DA's Office will no longer prosecute drug cases when the lab return says it was only a "trace". 


That 10% Of My Brain Is Spinning


I don't know if that is funny or incredibly weird.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

  • This is breaking - Oh, my!! Here's the U.S. Attorney's press release with links. I'm trying to go through it since I've not seen a news story summarizing it yet. 
  • Long time NFL player Darren Sproles broke and arm and tore and ACL in one play.
  • And Another (Michigan): 
  • The very conservative, and late, Justice Scalia: 
  • This is misleading. I can't stand the guy but he said they are lucky they don't live in North Korea where they would be shot in the head. 
  • Finally, finally, the State Bar of Texas goes after a prosecutor who withheld evidence. 
  • San Antonio Spurs coach Greg Popovich says the U.S. has become “an embarrassment to the world” since Trump was elected.
  • Trump vs. Cowboys: 

  • I thought the Cowboys handled it very well. I'm stunned Jerry would allow that, though. 
  • Trump, just when you think he could not be more tone deaf, bashed devastated Puerto Rico late yesterday for owing money to Wall Street and banks. 
  • Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (who is insane -- a book could be written about him) pulled out a gun last night at a rally. I bet he beats Luther Strange tonight.
  • Sheesh. The rank and file of the Fort Worth PD have gone to war against their Chief.
  • Sean Hannity smokes during his TV show during breaks. Evidence.


Life Comes At Ya Fast

Leaf Kills Putt . . .

. . .  and it eventually ended up in a four stroke penalty.

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

  • Mrs. LL and I watched Gentleman Prefer Blondes last night. Neither of us had ever seen it before. Not bad. Not bad at all. (And the innuendos are insane.)
  • In case you missed it (and I don't know how you could), Trump said before a crowd in Alabama on Friday as to any player who kneels during the national anthem that the NFL should "fire" "that son of a b****." He then screamed, for emphasis, "Fire!" He's insane. 
  • Then he followed it up with uninviting Steph Curry to the White House and threatening to wipe North Korea off the face of the earth. It was a stellar weekend for him. Truly, I'm not sure who is less crazy: Rocket Man or Trump.
  • I finally got around to watching the Reagan documentary on CNN. It's really good. His background as an actor helped him a great deal. 
  • College football: (1) Baylor actually hung around with OU, (2) TCU is really good, (3) if the Aggies had lost, that blown call that cost them four points would be the talk of Aggieland. 
  • Puerto Rico is in a state of disaster but no one seems to care. 
  •  State Rep. Phil King, who represents Wise and Parker counties in House District 61, has announced his candidacy to run for speaker of the Texas House. I'm more confused by his photo associated with the story because I don't remember him looking like that. 
  • One thing I found odd on my North Carolina football trip is that they still have Food Lion stores.