- The footage of the Tarrant County College astronomy teacher acting nutty in class in a crazy outfit, as well as Fox 4 catching him later as he talks from his apartment balcony, is high entertainment.
- The U.S. Government commissioned a study regarding ways to strengthen DWI laws. It suggested lowering the legal limit to 0.05 depending on (1) the size of the individual, and (2) whether the person had recently eaten. Not only is 0.05 a ridiculous number, the "recently eaten" standard is unworkable. Ok, I'll stipulate a steak dinner counts. But what if it were four hours ago? What about six? What does "recent" mean? And what if a person at one small appetizer two hours ago? Would that count?
- There are no federal DWI laws just state DWI laws. Astute readers will wonder how the federal government can dictate state DWI laws in the first place. Just like when all states went to 0.08 in the 1990s, Washington just told the states that it would withhold highway funds if they didn't change their laws. (For you CDL holders out there, that's the same reason you can't get deferred on Class Cs. The feds forced the state's to change its laws.)
- Trump's ex-porn star girlfriend (once again, while Trump was married with a new baby Barron) gave an interview to In Touch magazine in 2011 where she confirmed the tryst.
- Worth watching (and quick loading): A big boat runs over a fishing boat as the fishermen/fisherwoman jump into the water.
- Do people "balance" their "checkbooks" any longer. Or in modern terms, keep track of beginning balance then subtract debits and add credits in order to see if the ending balance matches the bank's balance?
- The murder trial in Wise County may go on for two weeks. Here's the Messenger story about the incident when it happened.
- Fascinating:
- Dallas and Austin are also on this list. But this whole show is basically a PR campaign for Amazon. Are they going to narrow the list to 10 later and announce it? Then five? It's kind of like a high school football player announcing he has narrowed his recruitment choices to three schools.
- Tom Brady hurt his throwing hand when he made contact with another player. He had to miss a press conference later in the day because he was getting medical attention. If he hit the helmet of another player after he released the ball, look out. (It was a long time ago, but Baylor's J.J. Joe did that during practice back in the day and had to miss the next game against Texas.)
- We might actually have a federal government shutdown tomorrow.