
It's Friday. Let's Get Out Of Here.

Our cat in the house

Tax dollars at work?

Is this real?

I'm having flashbacks to the old Six Flags "Sombrero Ride"
and whatever that ride that would spin, push you up against the side of the wall 
and the floor would drop out. 

Get me this dog!

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • The Jason Witten retirement press conference was fantastic. But someone needs to explain this to me: "Jason Witten to Jerry Jones:  'From you I learned to never circumcise a mosquito.'"
  • Now we learn that the Russians were behind Jade Helm and our Texas governor bought into it. 
  • They stole another sign! 
  • The outgoing DA in Waco has dismissed 15 more Twin Peaks Biker cases. His decision to indict everyone and not understand that he couldn't prove the cases will forever make him a laughingstock. The morale in the DA's office has to be at an all time low. 
  • My guess is that he's finally dismissing these cases, yet slowly, because he knows the new DA will do it in his first month in office and hold a press conference about what a travesty of justice occurred. That would crush the outgoing DA's reputation even more -- assuming that is possible. 
  • From a couple of days ago: 
  • The College Sophomore Not In The House came home from school last night and immediately told me she was a College Junior. I used to joke with Mrs. LL that "they grow up so fast." I had no idea how true that statement was. 
  • Funny moment at the courthouse yesterday when an employee (and friend) said something I vehemently disagreed with when I was in a different room and, when she saw me walk around the corner, look up at me and said, "I better shut up." 
  • Wow: Peter King, the sportswriter who has made a living out of writing jibberish, is moving to NBC from Sports Illustrated. 
  • There was a hung jury in Wise County this week on the lowest level of felony drug possession. I'm told the jury was split 8-4, but I don't know if that is 8 for guilty or 8 for not guilty. David Pearson was the defense lawyer with a little assistance from Paul Belew. I know nothing about the facts of the case. 
  • Trump is going to speak at the NRA Convention in Dallas today. There is no question he will go "off script" because he's under so much pressure. I bet he says something insane because he'll get riled up by a crowd that loves him. 


Sorry For The "S Bomb" In This Person's Tweet But . . .

. . . a man needs to be fired. And the word needs to be spread.

The local news organizations in Columbus, Ohio are all over it. The national news will soon follow if the word gets out.

Oh, My!

If a Republican led Justice Department did this, things are going to get bad for Trump.

Edit: NBC,  has clarified the story saying they should have called it a "pen register". The Justice Department monitored who he called, who called him, and when. The Justice Department did it for a reason. 

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

  • HOLY COW: Rudy Giuliani, another new Donald Trump lawyer, admits that Trump reimbursed former lawyer Michael Cohen for the payoff to Stormy Daniels. Trump had previously denied that -- on camera. And the fact that it happened on Sean Hannity's TV show makes it even better.  

  •  Breaking: Rudy was just on Fox and Friends and admitted the payment was campaign related. Trump hires the best people. 

  • Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders must have her head in her hands as she awaits the next press conference.  On March 7, she denied Trump had any knowledge about the Daniels payments: “I’ve had conversations with the President about this…There was no knowledge of any payments from the president.”

  • D Magazine reports that the parent company of the Star-Telegram has gutted its staff.

  • There was yet another accidental military aircraft crash -- this time in Georgia. Nine are believed dead. And there is even a video of it. 

    • That wind yesterday would knock you down -- even someone as big and strong as me.
    • I've got a small side gig as a municipal judge. I take it seriously, but dealing with people on Class Cs is pretty fun. Yesterday a lady entered into a plea bargain with the prosecutor, but I apologized to her that the docket took longer to dispose of than we all anticipated and that she had to wait for so long. "That's OK," she said. Then she paused and said, "I've never had a judge apologize to me before." That line could have been written by a sitcom writer.
    • Another Southwest Airlines window broke. That company didn't need that news.
    • Trump has changed lawyers again. He has now obtained Bill Clinton's impeachment lawyer.
    • Foreclosures on property are held on the first Tuesday of each month on the southeast courthouse door in Wise County. This week, and I'm not sure what was going on, but I've never seen such a large crowd. Either a lot of properties were being foreclosed on or there were lots of buyers after one particular property.
    • There is a Plano teen arrested for allegedly wanting to shoot-up Stonebriar Mall. He talked to Fox 4 News at the jail. Note: Shut up. But he seemed doped up. 
    • The Fox 4 News morning show went on the air 30 minutes early today (4:00 a.m.) in anticipation for the storms. That didn't work out well.
    • Redskins news:


    Above The Fold

    Full page PDF.

    Edit: Wait a second! That's from the weekend. The new one isn't online as of noon.

    Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

    • It was a tremendous service for W.B. Woodruff yesterday. A friend came up to me afterwards and told me after learning about W.B.'s history that he had never felt more inadequate in his life. I couldn't agree more. 
    • And I learned that one of W.B.'s sons is a tremendous guitar player (he didn't play cords, he can pick), and the other one could be a motivational speaker and/or stand up comedian. 
    • Trump's wheels off doctor said yesterday that (1) Trump dictated the letter about his health during the campaign, and (2) that his office was "raided" and Trump's records were seized. 
    • Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood in front of the the press corp yesterday and said that none of the questions the Special Council want to ask Trump (which are now public) concerned Russian collusion. That is a bold face lie.  
    • I'm going to say it for the millionth time: Watergate was a third rate burglary that got Nixon impeached. Tell you children to watch the news because history is coming.
    • Speaking of Crooks and Liars, the "Stay Woke" commentor always says I wrote that Trump would nuke North Korea. No I did not. I said that "I fear" he will launch a nuclear war. Words have meaning. 
    • Lisa Blue Baron lost the election for State Bar president in Texas. My faith in my colleagues has been restored. 
    • Stories like this are stunning. A prosecutor either was incompetent by (1) not knowing how to try a case or (2) indicting an innocent man. 
    • Wow. Just wow
    • Kanye West, Trump's new BFF, called slavery a choice on TMZ. (By the way, to the one Dennis Prager fan out there, he referred to him yesterday as "conYEE".)
    • Senate hopeful Beto O’Rourke wants to debate Ted Cruz in Spanish. That's a genius challenge since Cruz would never do it.


    Random Wednesday Tuesday Morning Thoughts

    • Word broke late yesterday that Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly called him and "idiot." Kelly denies it. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a "moron" and was fired. Watch this. 
    • It was a touching ceremony for Judge Fostel yesterday in the Wise County Courthouse as the courtroom was dedicated to him. 
    • But I did learn that we now have a Wise County Women's Bar Association.  How did I not know this?
    • What?
    • I've continued to watch Green Acres, and it is quality comedy. 
    • The clown car continues. The Vice President's doctor is behind the VA Director's embattled nomination. 
    • Failed Alabama Senate candidate and alleged pedophile Roy Moore has sued his accusers. This will not end well. 
    • And suing "Fictitious Defendants" might be an Alabama thing, but that's one of the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I would understand "Unnamed Defendants" (until their identity is obtained) but to call the "Fictitious" makes no sense. 
    • What's the term? Uh, Snowflakes?
    • The New York Times has obtained almost 50 questions that the Special Counsel wants to ask Trump. Oh, my! And it has freaked Trump out this morning. 
    • The Rangers lost again last night, and the game took four hours. That sport is going to die. 


    Texas Christian University

    I Need Your Opinions On This

    Random Monday Morning Thoughts

    • Trump is coming to Dallas to speak at the NRA convention. He knows his base. (By the way, weapons will not be allowed. Seriously.)
    • I, sadly,  didn't get a picture with Stormy Daniels but Robert Wilonsky of the Dallas Morning News did. It sounds like there wasn't much of a crowd. 
    • I need to correct the story about my dad using the Bridgeport Chief of Police's car with permission to go remove a dead dog for $1. When he came back he didn't pull behind two parked DPS trooper cars. There were only two DPS troopers assigned to the county but they only had one car. 
    • Dallas traded Ryan Switzer to the Raiders in exchange for defensive lineman. He was nothing more than an attitudinal teen. 
    • You kidding me?
    • He holds those rallies as therapy for him. He just wants to be loved. Nothing else is important. 
    • He was too much of a coward to show up at the Correspondent's Dinner and he got crushed in a monologue (that even I have to admit was a bit over the top.) 
    • That monologue included an attack on Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I love the hypocrisy from her father. The day before compared to the day after: 
    • A White Settlement man is charged with Intoxication Manslaughter after a six month old was killed in Fort Worth. He was driving a "large pickup."
    • The tree is gone?  The French President wasn't kind to Trump in their last press conference. Coincidence?
    • If you like baseball or softball, you'll love this: OU scores and unconventional run against the Evil Empire.
    • Or this where a MLB player hits a home run into a garbage can. I had a buddy once tell me that when he was playing baseball in college that a home run happened and it hit the top of back fence. A player looked at him and said, "What are the odds of that happening?" His reply was, "The same odds of it landing on every single inch in this place." I've never forgotten it.