- Well, we've got us a Full Blown Christian Yardbird controversy on our hands! In a press release, Chick-fil-A announced it would no longer provide donations to the Salvation Army or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (although the press release doesn't technically mention those organizations at all.) The company has the gall to want to focus on feeding the homeless! This, of course, creates a great deal of questions.
- How will the Texas Legislature react after protecting the company's religious freedom with a a specific Chick-fil-A Bill last session? They didn't plan on that freedom being exercised like this.
- Will Gov. Abbott receive blow-back for at one time supporting chicken tenders which were in reality deep fried by the devil?
- What's that nice lady over at the Messenger -- the one who always has a count of days Wise County has gone without Chik-fil-A -- going to do? Will she be considered a Dirty Lib who supports a non-God-fearing fast food restaurant if she continues with that bit? And what about that suspicious looking guy? Did he know all along?
- The law practice over in Denton went a little Wild West last week.
- This is a crazy story out of Waco. These two women were arrested after a traffic stop and are now linked to a double murder of an elderly couple in Plano. Get this: They were driving two separate cars both registered to one of the dead. So did cops just happen to stop both cars at the same time? Nope. "As deputies were dealing with the first driver, a second car pulled up on the shoulder and a woman . . . who was covered in blood got out and told them she needed to get something from the woman who was driving the first car."
- I thought last week that 10-1 Decatur having to travel to Childress to playoff game seemed unfair. Well, this week put it to shame. The Eagles travel to Odessa on Friday. That's 330 miles away!
- North Dakota has unveiled an anti-meth campaign to much Internet scorn and mocking. I'll admit that I thought it was a joke at first, but it's real: OnMeth.com Honestly, after about five minutes of being taken aback, I did a 180 degree turn on this. I think it's great. A campaign like this is to get attention, create awareness, and get people talking. It's a home run in that area.
- There were 90 indictments handed down in Wise County last Thursday. By my count, 56 of them were for drugs.
- I'm not saying a family member is dating, but I heard she "had a DTR with him the other night." Yes, that stopped me down in a state of confusion. From the best I can tell, they talked about "defining the relationship." Sheesh. They better do that while they get off my lawn.
- Compare and contrast. Today's Impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman with a 1st Lieutenant Pardoned By Trump:
- A student photographer was knocked unconscious on the sideline at the Georgia/Auburn game on Saturday. She's fine and gives us this update. (Watch the event here.)
- Well, certainly someone mentioned it over the last three years. No? Well then someone certainly took a picture. What? No? In the world of lies, she gives Sarah Sanders a run for her money -- even if she is scared to hold press conferences.
"Every office" |
- Does this happen more often than we know? There sure are a ton of "missing teen" posters in Walmart.
- Messenger: Above the Fold (I forgot yesterday)