The pastor was Clint Dobson. One year later, Steven Lawayne Nelson, 25, was convicted of capital murder in Tarrant County and sentenced to death. The conviction was affirmed in 2015, but I think he's still on Death Row. (As far as the Midlothian City Councilman, I won't mention his name but there is no question he is still suffering repercussions from being falsely accused and indicted.)
- No mask mandate and Texas is 100% open! Come to Texas where if the freezing weather doesn't kill you, the COVID will.
- Now we get to start the unnecessary confusion as to when you do have to wear a mask despite the governor's announcement. The rule is pretty simple: If you go on someone else's property and they require it, either put one on or leave. But I'm guessing those establishments still requiring masks today will give up the fight within the next 30 days because everyone will be ignoring their request.
- There were 429 new COVID cases and 14 new deaths in Tarrant County yesterday. Spring break is coming up. Doesn't it seem like Abbott jumped the gun a little bit? But make no mistake about it: This was all above votes.
- CVS is now offering free COVID vaccines for teachers.
- The Department of Defense inspector general will release a report today about Wise County congressional representative Ronnie Jackson.
- In a eye-brow raising auto wreck, 13 people were killed in a two vehicle collision in California where 25 people had been crammed into a Ford Expedition.
- There's a weird case out of Hutto, Texas involving a missing woman where there is lots of circumstantial evidence against her husband, but they've only charged him with Tampering with Evidence so far. Yet police claim they found a letter of confession in his kitchen but which he claims was only part of a book. I'd like to see the "letter."
- Amazon unveiled a new app icon but then quietly changed it after people pointed out it looked a little like Hitler.
- This is how Fox News covered FBI Director Wray's testimony yesterday before the Senate Judiciary Committee about how the Trump Insurrections on January 6th constituted "domestic terrorism":
- Waco has now become the hotbed of patent litigation, and it will even become hotter after what happened yesterday: A $2.1 billon dollar verdict against Intel. Two notes about the case: (1) It was jury of seven which only deliberated a little over three hours -- so everyone feel comfortable that they understood everything?, and (2) the lead lawyers weren't from Texas -- one was from Los Angeles and the other was from Boston.
- I think things like this are interesting: Here is the jury panel questionnaire for the upcoming trial of Officer Chauvin in the death of George Floyd. (Yep, they are about to have a trial in Minnesota.)
- For the first time in my life I bought a leaf blower simply to help clean out the garage. I've never owned a leaf blower. Verdict: This is the greatest invention in the history of ever. How have I not known this?
- In 1983, Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw checked into a Louisiana hospital for surgery under and alias. The name he used? Tom Brady.
- Messenger: Above the Fold