That referred to Bridgeport's own Jeff Riordan. I found an update: "He compiled a mark of 66-18 at Crosby, a Class 5A school. He led the Cougars to six playoff appearances and four district championships, and reached the state semifinals in 2014." He has hired by Chappell Hill in Tyler in 2019. He went 11-4 last year and made the playoffs.
- COVID: We still have old charts, but I've got some updated numbers.
- New numbers:
- Last updated cases chart from January 14th so we are still up there:
- Here's the last hospitalizations chart so add about 450 to get it to 12,286 (which shows an increase but a slowing increase):
- This is the dumbest idea ever. "WINDCREST, Texas — It's a concept never done before, and it's about to happen in Bexar County: Getting a traffic ticket sent to your phone without an officer pulling you over. One police department will be the first in the nation to test it." Here's how it works: You sign up to be a "Trusted Driver" on a website, "enter your information" (sheesh), and then when a cop sees you commit a traffic violation, he texts you the ticket instead of stopping you.
- But here is where the whole thing breaks down in my humble opinion:
- A vote will be taken this week in the Senate as to whether to end the filibuster to pass voter rights legislation. It is expected to fail, but Democrat Senate leaders want everyone on the record.
- Doing the vote about the filibuster on the week of MLK Jr. Day is no accident. (Side note: I heard "communism" and "socialism" all the time when I was a kid. Then it suddenly just went away for three decades. Now the same old fear-mongering is back.)
- Oil hit a 7 year high this morning at $85.20 a barrel.
- Is this a big deal?
- Don't forget that tomorrow is an official state holiday of "Confederate Hero's Day." It is actually a state law:
- This seems like a good idea. GM will launch its own used car site which will be a public database for all the inventory of GM dealers. They want it to be a Carmax of GM dealers.
- Under the radar legal stuff: The Supreme Court decided on Friday to hear a pretty interesting religious case. That is, whether a high school coach can lead players in a prayer after the game. At least I think that's the question. The case is extremely odd because the coach and the school are still fighting over what the facts actually are -- something that is always completely settled by the time the Supreme Court gets involved. So what will happen? If it is just a private prayer, I think the coach would obviously win. If he made it a team led prayer with some coercion involved, then winning is not a given (although I bet he would prevail with this new court.)
- Concerning them still fighting over the facts, the coach says this:
- The school district says this:
- Weird Cowboy tie-in: Former defensive player Chad Hennings filed a "friend of the court" brief supporting the coach.
- I wonder if anyone is still proud about their "NFC East Champions" t-shirt? I've never understood a division champion shirt.
- There's a video of the 49ers walking towards the tunnel on Sunday with a guy blasting music out over a monster-sized boom box. And then the boom box guy walks along with them all the way. It's kind of wild (and you get an inside look at just how long that walk is).
- Here are two great videos of Cedrick Wilson Jr. having to duck because the sun was blinding him. One you saw on the telecast, and the other one you haven't.
- The Star-Telegram does an impressive job today going into the details of the hostage crisis on Saturday. It's a bit noteworthy that the case came to an end by the rabbi throwing a chair at the guy, all the hostages running out, and then the cops rushing in and then killing the guy who was then alone: