At the time, there were two White House dogs: Bo and Sunny. Bo was actually from Boyd, but it was Sunny who committed this assault.
- Another day in America: Three dead in a shooting at a college campus.
- The shooter has a little different profile than what we are conditioned to expect: He was a 67 year old professor who had recently and unsuccessfully sought a job at the school. He also "wrote a 15-page theory on the Zodiac killer and posted about 'powerful organizations bent on global domination.'" Good lord.
- I noticed a Wise County murder case (background here) involving Daniel Trevino Hernandez is set for a plea on December 12th. It got my attention because he was back in jail this morning.
- Chris Christi is a breath of fresh air on the Republican debate stage primarily for realizing that if Trump is nominated, the Republicans will lose. But his best moment last night was when he put smarmy Vivek Ramaswamy in his place. Video. (By the way, Ramaswamy said January 6th was an "inside job" last night. How are nuts like him at the top of the Republican party?)
- At the same time, he also came to the defense of Nikki Haley. "This is a smart, accomplished woman. You should stop insulting her . . . . And Nikki and I disagree on some issues, but I’ll tell you this: I’ve known her for 12 years, which is longer than he’s even started to vote in the Republican primary."
- In a few short months, Kevin McCarthy went from Speaker of the House to quitting Congress.
- Flashback:
- Let's check in on Trump's right hand man and renowned racist. There's a conspiracy around every corner with these guys:
- Everything you know about U.S. oil production/exports is wrong. After setting a record of producing 13.5 million barrels a day in August, we now are exporting a "near record' 6 million barrels a day. Oil dropped to below $70 a barrel yesterday.
- The Fort Worth City Council is bent out of shape about police/fire department vehicles being driven home when "home" is a long way from Fort Worth. Four of them are routinely driven to Wise County based upon a report presented to them. (My graphics department added the green dot for Decatur and the red circle.)
- What First Amendment?: The Dallas Morning News has a story today about a jury verdict based upon alleged misrepresentations by a home solar panel company. But my eyes bugged out when the defense lawyer was interviewed. Buddy, it doesn't work that way:
- Sunset, Texas got a shout-out from Fox 4's weatherman.
- From today's DMN. Blackstone is one of the world's largest private equity firms based in Manhattan.
- Extremely nerdy legal stuff for practitioners: Since 4/1/22, any magistrate who sets bonds in Texas is supposed to first review a "public safety report" about the criminal history of the defendant. (It's just a modified criminal history printout). But what happens when you later ask the trial court for a bond reduction -- must the trial judge also review that "public safety report" in order to accurately assess whether the bond should be reduced? This Court of Criminal Appeals said "yes" yesterday. "If the trial court did not consider the public safety report required by statute, then it erred . . . ."
- Side note: The law which created the need for the public safety report also mandated this statewide public database of every bond decision. Its clandestine purpose was to out the magistrate if a bond decision goes wrong.
- Fun Fact: I don't have much interest in the Heisman Trophy, but this will be the 30th year that the presentation has been hosted by Chris Fowler.
- Messenger - Above the Fold