A guy rides his bicycle over the arches on the bridges of the Fort Worth's 7th Street Bridge. Video.
- After countering drone attacks of ships in the Red Sea for the last two months, the U.S. went on the offensive last night against the Houthis - and that's all I know about the Houthis.
- So I've asked The Highly Compensated Liberally Lean Weather Team™ to issue me a report and this is what they said:
- The temperature will dip below freezing at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday and will not get above freezing again until 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.
- Well get as low as 10 degrees during that span and that will actually be on Tuesday morning.
- The greatest chance of snow is during the early morning hours of Monday, but my guys say it's not very likely.
- So why exactly is Allen PD saying anything at all if they are also not going to release any other info whatsoever? And why is the Dallas Morning News running the "story"? It's behind a paywall but, trust me, it says absolutely nothing more than the headline.
- Good, lord. The way things are going it's just a matter of time before Hispanics are shot in the Rio Grande. At the very least it dehumanize them to such an extent that a nutcase takes it on himself to kill them. Remember the El Paso massacre where the guy drove 10 hours to do that?
- "The law suit says Medearis was working in a building near the Sandman Hotel when he heard and felt the explosion. While trying to run away from the blast he 'tripped, fell, and as a result suffered personal bodily injury,' the suit says." Oh, good grief. Man up, dude.
- This story had a twist. A guy gets his Lamborghini stolen in Houston and hires a private investigator to track it down. Somehow they think they have it located in a garage in Hopkins County but aren't absolutely sure (maybe they can't get close enough - the story isn't clear). To find out for certain, the car owner then goes to the location and sets off the the cars lights and horn with his key fob. Then, and only then, he calls the cops.
- Oh, my.
- Back in the day, baseball teams and players would routinely go to arbitration when a salary agreement couldn't be reached. The way it works is that the team submits a proposed salary to the arbitrator and the player submits his. The arbitrator then just decides which of the two numbers is the most fair - that's is only option. These days, most teams and players avoid arbitration by working things out, but yesterday was the deadline. Below are those that couldn't along with the arbitration figures which will be submitted. I'm stunned how close most of them are to each other. You couldn't work that out? (But the big headline is that one surprising fan-favorite Ranger name is on the list.)
- Random CFB note: Hey Longhorn fans, you remember when QB Casey Thomspon who was with the team for four seasons (2018-2021) and started a few games? And do you remember he then somehow had enough eligibility to play one season with Nebraska and then another one with Florida Atlantic? Well, he just signed with the Sooners to play yet another year.
- Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 4 years and 200 days.