
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

Technically, it's still around under the name of "Dust" but it can definitely be classified as failed. 

  • A Liberally Lean Exclusive™: A Petition has been filed to remove the DA in Montague County from office due to her recent theft indictment. Interestingly, it's filed by a former Montague County DA and former Wise County assistant DA, Tim Cole.  The Petition (PDF) also alleged details: It claims the DA deposited two checks issued by the state, both in the amounts of $9,166.67, into her personal account instead of using it to pay her investigator's salary. 

  • Look, I don't think President Biden will drop out of the race, but this is getting weird. And I really don't understand the orchestrated attack by Democratic leadership if it doesn't cause him to back out. But the big wigs are definitely involved now:

    • This is basically a veiled admission by Schumer that it happened. 

    • More drumbeats this morning: 

  • The last thing he needed. 

  • At least a man who puts some effort into his chosen line of work. 

  • Let's at least see the ear!

  • RNC quick hits: 
    • Something happened to Matt Gaetz's face.  The funniest line I saw about this was: "Matt Gaetz is two white tigers and a life partner from having a Vegas act."

    • Junior attempted to wow daddy again  It didn't work. . 

    • Full video here. For the first 2:30 she tries to listen while they yell at her for the benefit of the cameras, and then they chase after her for another two minutes. So embarrassing. 

    • Good grief, there's more of them. 

    • More ear patches from delegates. 

    • You're kidding me.

  • Questionable money continues to flow into Abbot's anti-public school voucher war chest.  He is bought and paid for on this issue which will be a focal point in next year's legislative session. Rural voters should be prepared to revolt. 

  • He kind of has a point,

  • A very weird crime and justice story out of Hays County, Texas: In a child sexual assault case, a judge rejected a plea bargain on the morning of trial and then livestreamed jury selection without either the DA or the defense even knowing the court had installed cameras. 

  • Messenger - Above the Fold