
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

I'm telling you, keep an eye on the University of Colorado.

  • I'm not sure why he showed up last night at the Republican National Convention . . .     

    • You know what I would have done?: Keep him completely out of sight until the night he is to speak.  At his introduction, roll the footage of the assassination attempt with dramatic music and then freeze it at the moment he raises his fist. Cut the lights, start the fog machine, and roll him out. The crowd would go wild.  Remember the 2016 intro?:

    • But there is now a chance of serious infection of the ear because of who his doctor is: 

  • You don't have to post every thought you have.

  • Looks like he pled guilty on May 29th with the sentencing hearing occurring yesterday.  He had a long history including previous penitentiary trips.  (Cause no. CR23812)

  • The federal documents case against Trump is now dead because the most Trump friendly federal judge ever making the most Trump friendly ruling ever

    • Make no mistake about it: She got the idea from a throw-away, non-binding comment made by Justice Thomas in the Immunity case -- a case he should have recused himself from. 

  • Apparently we had a pretty bad rendition of the national anthem at the Home Run Derby last night in Arlington. Video

  • Isn't' the purpose of a book-in photo is to see the guy's face?

  • The widow of the guy killed at the Trump rally refused to take a call from the President. How weird is that?

  • A guy who used to hate Trump is now not only a sycophant but also Trump's new running mate. 

    • I'll say it again: The reason that Trump has to pick a new VP is because his old one refused to be part of a coup to overthrow the government of the United States. That problem has now been fixed.

  • "A 23-year-old woman and her 52-year-old father, both of Green Bay, Wisconsin, were found dead at Canyonlands National Park on the afternoon of Friday, July 12, the National Park Service said in a news release."  That's a 10 mile loop and it looks easy to get lost.

  • Legal stuff: This ruling is complicated, but what got my attention was the comment by the civil defense lawyer who got the case reversed.

  • The Business Second™:  Mr. Gatti's? Big thumbs up. But the last time I went to one was decades ago in Denton.

  • After posting every thought I have every day, I just realized an above bullet point says, "You don't have to post every thought you have."