
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

The prosecutor dropped the charges "in the interest of justice", and she has since 
been re-elected. She is still on the court. 

  • My Liberally Lean Weather Team woke up to report: A "cold" front moves through this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. It will be hotter at noon than it will be at 5:00 p.m.  And the next few days are an absolute gift for mid-July.

  • Republican National Convention highlights: 
    • Rudy took big a tumble while walking. Video

    • Rep. Matt Gaetz confronted former speaker Kevin McCarthy on the convention floor and almost got his butt kicked.  What he did (video) and how he was confronted (video).

    • The gangs all here in quite the photo.  Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Trump blowing a kiss, the Jewish Space Laser lady in the background, and a giddy VP nominee. 

    • Trump has humiliated them all, but they all showed up and kissed the ring last night.

    • Random photo of a delegate.

  • The gal that butchered the National Anthem before the home run derby offered up an explanation. 

  • Another pretty good graphic of the the shooting scene

    • I'm not a conspiracy theory guy, but I want to see Trump's ear. Something definitely happened to it, and I'll take his word for it that a bullet pierced it, but I'm not ruling out that it got hurt on the ground after he ducked. 
  • That looks pretty nasty. 

  • This is one of the dumbest takes of the Dallas Morning News ever.  Expunction in Texas is ridiculoulsly hard to get and almost impossible to meet the prerequistites. 

  • Old school Ticket fans: Mike Rhyner and The Hammer, of the original Hardline, at the All-Star game last night. 

    • The day before. What hand symbol is he making?

  • The Supreme Court stopped a Texas execution yesterday evening 20 minutes before it was set to happen.