
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

This Messenger item got my attention back then. 

  • A guy standing on an overpass caused I-35 and 287 in North Fort Worth to be shut down yesterday evening for "several hours."  He apparently live streamed it on Facebook and "more than 7,000 people were watching as of 9:30 p.m. when the video stopped, and there were more than 4,800 comments . . . . ."

    • That's the third major stand-off in a week that has shut down major highways.  The others were the crazy guy in Dallas on 635 and the other was on 820 near Northeast Mall (it still there?) on Sunday.
  • This is the split second screenshot from the cop's bodycam when he peaked up over the roof to see what would turn out to be Trump's would-be assassin. But I'm not real sure where the shooter is in it. 

  • Quick hits from Trump's crazy, rambling, and weird press conference yesterday:

    • He thought it would be a good idea to compare his crowd on January 6th (!!!) to that of Martin Luther King's march (and, to boot, confuse the "Million Man March" in 1995 with King's "March on Washington" event in 1963.)

    • Lied about almost being in a helicopter crash with Willie Brown. (Gift link.)
      Willie Brown and Jerry Brown

    • Went back to the Is-She-Black-Or-Indian attack on Kamala.
    • Now says that it was his ear lobe that was hit by a bullet but has no signs of injury because he is a "fast healer."
      Image from yesterday.

  • I noticed two Not Guilty verdicts in Tarrant County on felony cases this week.  The top one arose out of a drag show protest but involved a protestor against the protestors who had some type of interaction with a police officer.  (Little bit of background about the protest in general is  here.) 

  • Legal photo of the year. I know that Matthew McConaughey's character in A Time To Kill was sweating a lot, but this guy takes it to a whole knew level. 

  • Not exactly what you want to see from a DA investigator. 

  • The Business Second™.  $47 million?!?

  • The Second Business Second™. Observation: For us old-timers, from 1973 to 1993 a 6.47% rate would be considered an absolute steal. 

  • The Third Business Second™. I don't understand this article about natural gas prices at all

  • Micah Parson reposting CeeDee Lamb's reaction to a Jerry Jones' comment about Lamb's hold-out:

  • I think Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, who won the gold medal in the 400 meters, is the absolute prototype for the perfect female track star. She's the most effortless runner I've ever seen. 

  • Love this photo

  • Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 5 years and 35 days.