
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

Ten years ago I stumbled across this 1975 cover from the Bridgeport Index (RIP). That's a news packed front page.

  • If you had trouble getting into Fort Worth yesterday on 287 because of something happening around Bonds Ranch Road, this was your problem:

  • Today's Messenger has this picture of the courthouse renovation and a peek inside what will be the new district courtroom. (Subscribe here so they won't be mad at me.) For those that have been inside it, don't be confused by the rail and the benches which have been moved. That's actually an angle looking towards the southeast.

  • Economy: 
    • The Wall Street Journal today:

    • And Trump was told to go speak on the economy yesterday. He didn't like that. Look at how he started:

  • What a maniac. The video segment from the local ABC affiliate has clips from the encounter and the judge's shocking demeanor in an interview after the fact. ""That's not something that normally happens. But I felt compelled to do it because I didn't like the child's attitude. I haven't been disrespected like that in a very long time.” Puuhlleeese. 

  • Forensic genealogy solved yet another one

  • Let's check in on Fox News.  This kid is 17 year old and his claim to fame it being a friend of Barron Trump.  

  • The initial attack on Israel by Hamas resulted in 1,139 deaths and  251 hostages. Since then:

  • The Business Second™. 

  • Legal nerdy stuff regarding agreeing(?) to arbitration: (Gift link.)

  • The Cowboys have been trade-happy in the last 24 hours  -- all for the defensive line.

  • Messenger - Above the Fold