
Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

This Abilene Christian graduate was the first person ever to be returned to the United States to be treated for Ebola. He had entered the hospital in Georgia being escorted by "three people in white biohazard suits."

  • Yesterday afternoon around 6:00 p.m. is Wise County:

  • Earlier this year, the Fort Worth Court of Appeals found that Crystal Mason should be acquitted of illegal voting. Yesterday, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals decided to review the case.  It used to be that it took an unsettled important legal issue to get a higher court to take up a case. Now you just need a far-right political hot button issue.

  • Gateway might want to hold its breath that the whole church doesn't collapse. They didn't say what the "moral issue" was in this new case. 

  • And the biggest nutcase in the presidential race (which is really say something) is expected to endorse Trump. That makes perfect sense.

  • I just like there is a recent photo of them together. And this guy's initial clemency got attention. He's a drug smuggler with the interesting side business of being a predatory lender.  Now he's got more problems. 

  • Ken Paxton is such a clown. When even the West Texas Oilmen PAC admits these "recent reports" off illegal registering are false, Paxton's political stunts are growing tiresome. 

    • Here's the PAC's funded newsletter reporting that the recent claims are false -- even going so far as to point out that the source was "Fox News personality Maria Bartiromo [who] set off a firestorm, posting to X that immigrants were being registered to vote in Parker County, Texas":

  • DNC highlights:
    • Oprah in the house.

    • SNL's Kenan Thompson had a very funny bit of how Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation plot for another Trump presidency, would upend the country.

    • The Trump inspired January 6th Insurrection took the spotlight last night as a 5 minute film was played with speakers following. I'd keep that film playing on a loop in the arena if I were them.

    • But the GOP has a secret weapon at the DNC as the My Pillow Guy tries to cling to his delusional belief of relevancy by shaving off his mustache, going undercover, and investigating a gender neutral bathroom at the arena. 

  • The richest man in the world actually thinks an online internet poll has value. Look up "random sampling and weighting," hoss. 

  • Along those same lines, a charlatan with the worst toupee in America is claiming special insight on a different subject matter.

  • A sports joke that made me giggle:

  • Messenger - Above the Fold