
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

A former Tarrant County judge was beaten to death in Lubbock and there was basically no media coverage of it (that's what I thought was bizarre.)  Here's an update on what happened published a few years later.

  • Northwest ISD became the newest district to ban cell phones. If you want to know the impetus behind this, I suspect its been this New York Times bestseller. It's an insightful look at how kids have moved from Play-based to a Phone-based childhood and the resulting consequences. Folks, we've got a problem. 

  • Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota may be a good VP good pick after all. And he may be the most common-man politician I've ever seen. He and Harris filled out an arena last night in Philadelphia.  

    • A lady on Twitter might be Nostradamus.

  • There was a lot going on in this wacky story and hard to explain.  There is a video of him jumping in a car and striking a lady near the end of all of it. 

  • "The Coast Guard was notified around 7 p.m. Saturday that a 28-foot aluminum vessel with eight people onboard was taking on water near Homer, Alaska." They were there for a wedding, and are from Troy, Texas near Temple.  I can't find why they were on the boat. 

  • This might be the dumbest lawsuit ever. So Elon Musk is mad at advertisers who don't want to buy space on what's becoming a Nazi website? Welcome to capitalism, pal. And notice he forum shopped to make 100% sure it ends up in the court of radical federal judge Reed O'Conner. 

    • And why in the world would advertisers leave him? Oh, yeah. Flashback: 

  • The Democratic DA in Houston endorsed Ted Cruz. How much will that help? She was the incumbent DA in the Democratic primary last spring and got crushed by getting only 25% of the vote. That's hard to do. 

  • Insurrection update. Baby steps.

  • Power move.

  • Former Dallas Cowboy Duane Thomas has died. I was going to post this yesterday because I saw what looked like to be his daughter's post on Modnay. But I swear yesterday morning, after a search on my part, that there wasn't one media outlet reporting it so I questioned whether it was true. His passing is making the mainstream news this morning. 

    • And if you want to understand how crazy the Duane Thomas situation was back in the day, watch this Verne Lundquist segment on WFAA when Verne was anchor. (Pick it up at the 53 second mark.)
  • I just casually keep the Olympics on in the background in the evening, but even I yelled at the screen during the ending of the 1500 meters final. Video

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