
Random Monday Morning Thoughts

Football is prospering 10 years later. 

  • Warning: Trump heavy today.
  • The eating-your-dogs story gets nuttier and nuttier.
    • The fake claims led to bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio.

    • Let's see how Trump handled it on Friday. Yep, he can't even condemn bomb threats:

    • But that was after he said he would deport the Haitians in Springfield, who are legally here, "back to Venezuela". Video.  Good lord. 

    • The Proud Boys, who must have been "standing back and standing by", marched on Springfield over the weekend.   Hitler had his SA/Storm Troopers during his campaigning. What's the difference?

    • So can we rely on J.D. Vance to at least turn down the rhetoric? Nope. He said on the Sunday morning talk shows that he didn't really care if the Haitians weren't really eating dogs and cats. 

  • We have non-Trump news. The second of the Jackson 5 has died.

  • Trump news  which got buried by yesterday's news (which I will get to):
    • This is real from yesterday morning. Has he lost what was left of his mind?

    • Funny: Trump invited a "latin music superstar" onstage with him -- proclaiming that "She's hot!" And he didn't expect  that person to be a man when they walked on stage. Video.
    • He repeated a wild conspiracy claim that Kamala Harris had an earpiece at the debate. 

      • Related: The dumbest lady in the world made false claims about a person that doesn't even exist. 

      • A Republican senator from the potential swing state of North Carolina tells Trump to quit hanging out with nutcase Laura Loomer. 

  • Ok, yes, there was an "Apparent assassination attempt", in quotes, that happened yesterday.
    • No shots were fired by the would-be assassin at Trump's Florida golf course, but he did leave an AK-47 and a Go-Pro behind. 

    • That person arrested miles away was a 58 year old former Trump supporter who turned on Trump in support of Vivek Ramaswamy. He also had a long criminal history. How did he have an AK-47?

    • Nerdy legal stuff just for good measure: This is not the way to handle the identification of a suspect. They didn't even go to the trouble of using a suggestive photo line-up -- they just took the witness right to the guy they stopped on the highway.
  • The Evil Empire is now a lock to win the national championship.  It's over.  And they can win even with a back-up quarterback who can run like Vince Young!  We may need to bring the Longhorn Network back to cover this greatness!  (Yes, this is my new bit.)

  • On the other end, the Cowboys treated yesterday like a playoff game. 
  • "Thousands" are moving to Springtown?: