
Random Monday Morning Thoughts

This was pretty big news at the time because it happened while it was at a college party. He said it was consensual and testified on his own behalf.  In googling his name, I found out that someone with his exact same name was licensed as a lawyer five years later. I don't know if it is him.

  • News in the capital murder case against Tanner Horner: Venue will be changed from Wise County to Tarrant County.  I think they have to. move the defendant to the Tarrant County jail "before" the "next term of court" which should be 1/1/25. But no trial date has been set yet. 

  • Speaking of not guilty verdict by a jury in a sexual assault charge, Wise County had one on Friday.  (CR23253 if you want to look it up in the county records.)
  • Ages 14, 24, and 49 in three separate incidences:

  • All we know is that a private group rented out a portion of the school and that the problem was caused by the air-conditioning was automatically shut off at 4:00 p.m. 

  • Story.

  • Israel.
    • Overnight. After destroying Gaza over the last few months, Israel is really focusing on Lebanon. The pagers were last week, and now this:

    • But they aren't down with Gaza as they bombed a school on Saturday.

  • If you wanted to know how Georgia voted on election night, you will have to wait for a very long time. The Trump majority on the five member state election board voted 3-2 to go back to the stone age.

  • She allegedly left her mom there for 24 hours to boot. 

  • This is interesting because he alleged that he was fired for signing an affidavit in support of a defense motion for transfer of venue saying he didn't think a defendant could receive a fair trial. This is the lawyer's profile. 

  • Trump
    • He say America is in shambles and we can't afford groceries, but he wants his groupies to fork over money on this grift of "Trump Coins"? Incredible. 

    • Making friends again.

    • Dear "depressed" women, he promises to fix you:

  • Two within 17 days fifty years ago.

  • Sports:
    • I'd be sad, not because of the score, because of my life decision of wearing that hat in front of my family. 

    • In a bizarre turn of events in the TCU/SMU game, the Frogs head coach was given two back to back unsportsmanlike conduct penalites and kicked out of the game. Then to make it weirder, offensive coordinator Kendal Briles, Art Briles son, suddenly became the acting coach of TCU.

  • I forgot to mention last week that the Messenger had a story of Wise County residents inundating the Sheriff's Office with questions about "Venezuelan gangs." So just in case you were wondering if OAN and News Max were inundating the viewing habits of our residents, we have our answer.