
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

Although news of Ravens player Ray Rice assaulting a woman had come out weeks earlier, it was this week that we learned of, and saw - thanks to TMZ,  the actual shocking video of the incident in the elevator and that the NFL actually had possessed the video all along. I didn't think Roger Goodell would survive that scandal. I was wrong. 

  • The debate:
    • Trump gave us what might go down as the weirdest moment in debate history: "In Springfield, they are eating the dogs -- the people that came in. They are eating the cats. They are eating, they are eating pets." And the way he said it made it golden. Video.  When he was fact checked on that hoax, he defended the claim with, "People on television are saying their dogs were eaten."

    • Drudge's reaction after that moment is below.  For that moment overlayed with the theme from Peanuts -- where it lines up perfectly -- see here (it's funny.)

    • His lack of preparation was on full display last night. He thinks he can just "wing it", and he just can't. She baited him time and time again, and fell for it every time. 
    • The Trump MAGA extremists were mad at the the ABC moderators for fact checking Trump. They could have done it 100 times, but they did it only three times: Dog eating (a lie), that abortions are occurring after birth (a lie), and that he won the election (a lie.)  In full authoritarian mode this morning, he said that ABC "ought to have their license taken away."
    • Other than denying the election results, Trump also refused to condemn the January 6th insurrectionists, refused to say he wants Ukraine to win the war with Russian, defended his call to execute the innocent Central Park Five, and refused to acknowledge his "good people on both sides" Charlottesville comment saying it had been "debunked by Sean Hannity, Lauren Ingraham, Jesse [Waters]." Other that that, he did great. 
    • As to whether he has finally come up with plan to replace Obamacare which he has been promising for years, he said. "I have concepts of a plan."  Video. I may put that on a throw pillow.

    • On denying Kamala's blackness:  "I read where she was not black, that she put out [there]. I'll say that. And then I read that she was black. That's OK. Either one was OK. That's up to her." Video.
  • Taylor Swift activated her army after the debate with an official endorsement of Kamala Harris and signing it as "Childless Cat Lady."


    • Here was Elon's reaction. These people are just weird.

    • Here's Trump reaction to the Taylor Swift news moments after it happened: "I have no idea." (Video.)

  • Someone had a better night last night: An $800 million lottery ticket was sold in Sugarland, Texas. 

  • That's one way to remember how things came fast and furious on 9/11.

  • Trump and Kamala Harris shook hands this morning at Ground Zero.

  • From Amarillo:

  • Inflation numbers released moments ago: It is down again.

  • Wise County Judge J.D. Clark is releasing a country album.