
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

Might have missed on that one. 

  • Like the DFW media, I completely missed this fatality yesterday morning. The Messenger had it, but I didn't see it. I failed you as the most trusted newsman in the southwest proper. But what an awful week for local law enforcement. 


    • And it's a little bizarre he was responding to a wreck on heavily traveled 287 which involved a wreck involving a person from Bridgeport and a person from Decatur. The Messenger has that story which also involved a fatality.
  • Toilet paper crisis avoided. That's about the shortest strike that I can recall. 

  • Did all of you get out of bed at 4:55 a.m. to go look for Seth Altman? 

  • Good. She's an Insurrectionist nutcase working at the state level and admittedly would do it all again. And her sentencing hearing was wild as she argued with the judge. He finally had enough: “You are no hero . . . . You are a charlatan who used your prior position to pedal a snake oil that’s been proven to be junk time and time again” 

    • Two years after this interview, they are now both in the hoosegow. 

  • Everyone needs to just calm down these days. Story.

  • Every time there's a Netflix documentary released about a high profile case, some D.A. always overreacts. This happened in the Bernie case out of of East Texas as well. 

  • The guy's always been weird, but I'm not sure he's that weird. 

  • Just when I was told to worry about Haitians because they're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs, they're eating the pets of the people that live there . . .  

  • Two high profile Kamala Harris endorsements yesterday based upon the fact that Trump is simply not an option.
    • "Donald Trump is the most dangerous presidential candidate in my lifetime. His disdain for the sanctity of our Constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him for office." - Bruce Springsteen

    • “Yes, Trump is divisive and animated solely by his own grievances but that is not why Harris must defeat him. Trump wants to destroy the system that reins him in. He is a threat to our democracy. This is the only reason any voter needs to vote for Harris.” - Liz Cheney

  • So what exactly are you trying to say?

  • Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 5 years and 91 days