
It's Friday - Let's Get Out of Here

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

I don't remember much about this. 

  • Woah: The #1 golfer in the world got arrested this morning as he arrived for the second round of the PGA Championship. Video.  Update: Heck, he's now in jail on a felony of Assaulting a Peace Officer. The road had been closed due to a pedestrian death on the road earlier. 

  • Four amazing stories showing how American justice system is doomed:
    • In April of last year, a jury convicted a man in Austin of murder and the next day, even before the sentence was decided, Gov. Abbott shockingly announced he would pardon him (primarily because the victim was at a Black Lives Matter protest.)  But then Abbott realized that he can't pardon anyone without the approval of the Board of Pardons and Parole. No problem. Yesterday the Board, who are all appointed by Abbott for their cushy jobs, recommended a pardon and the governor immediately pardoned him. Absolutely mind blowing. (And his appeal had barely started in the appellate court.)

    • Mind-blowing: Justice Alito flew a "stop the steal" symbol outside of his house immediately after January 6th and while the Supreme Court was considering election contest lawsuits. He blamed it on his wife. Gifted article here.

    • A group of Trump worshipers from Congress, featuring Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz,  showed up to protest the American criminal justice system at Trump's trial yesterday. 

    • Yep, the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office killed another man in the jail. 

  • Houston got hit with a tornado/high winds yesterday evening.

  • North Texas congresswoman Rep. Beth Van Duyne has her name associated with a relationship scandal.

  • I don't care about NASCAR, but I always liked this guy. None of the news reports mention a cause of death, but I remember him having a bout with cancer a few years back.

  • A crazy moment at a congressional hearing yesterday involving the craziest congresswoman. Video.  This is wild and wildly entertaining. 

  • Just when you think FBC of Dallas and pastor Robert Jeffress couldn't stray any further from the purpose of the Church, they are hosting Fox and Friends this morning. 

  • I had no idea that the site of the Waco Motorcycle Gang Shootout still sits empty. 
  • Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 4 years and 318 days.


Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

By the way, that 16 year old now holds a Master's, is a teacher, is married, and has a baby. 

  • I'm still bugged by the wreck that took the life of the woman and children on 1810 near Chico.  The Star-Telegram has a pretty good picture of the site and the 18-wheeler's tire marks. 

  • A barge took out part of a bridge in Galveston. Fortunately, the only part severely damaged was a rail line which is no longer used.

  • Trump and President Biden come to an agreement, in under two hours yesterday, to debates without an audience on CNN on June 27th and NBC on September 10th. After Trump issued this challenge in March, he really can't complain about the restrictions. 

  • Video.

  • Day 18: We are nearing the end. I still don't think there will be a conviction. 

  • Meanwhile, Lake Bridgeport is somehow 13 feel low right now.


  • The Business Second™.

  • The Business Second Second™.  It will be renovated over three years and will re-open as Hard Rock Las Vegas in 2027.

  • Legal nerdy stuff:  In federal court, you have to file an Exhibit List prior to trial. The Department of Justice just did that in Hunter Biden's upcoming gun trial case. It's 24 pages and lists 321 exhibits. (PDF.) That gives me Tired Head just thinking about it.

  • Don't do it. 

  • I might be the only person who likes the the official portrait of King Charles III.  If you want a painting that looks like a photograph, take a photograph. 

  • Wise County Texas House candidate Andy Hopper posing with Shelley Luther, Kyle Rittenhouse, and some lady in leather skirt yesterday.

  • Messenger - Above the Fold


Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

I'm not going to pass up the chance to remember this bank robber's school of choice. He would get arrested the next year, but I can't readily find out what happened with him

  • This is one of the worst wrecks in Wise County history.  I'm pretty sure this is the driver's Facebook page with a variety of what are now heartbreaking photos.

  • Inflation numbers were just released.  It "slowed down a tick to 3.4% year over year -- that's in line with what economists were expecting and down from 3.5% in March."

  • Google rolled out its new AI yesterday. We are not prepared for what is coming.

  • Every case I've ever handled that involved a charge of "Unlawful Restraint" had something really wonky about it. There are no details about this case, however. 

  • Good grief.

  • I think Trump's main lawyer just acts very strange in front of the cameras. He might be a cyborg.

  • Mike Johnson went to Trump's trial yesterday, but never entered the courthouse.  Incredible. 

  • If you want a fascinating crash course on the history of Southlake, with reproduction of old newspaper articles, this thread is fantastic. The author of it just released this book. 

  • Noticed that the Wise County Messenger was losing a reporter. 

  • I think its weird to show up hours early to get a cheap and fake Rangers World Series ring. 

  • Might want to have thought about that first, hoss. 

  • The Star-Telegram explained that the Fox 4 News story about a high rise in Fort Worth selling at auction for a fraction of its value was very misleading.