
It's Friday -- Let's Get Out of Here

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

That actually happened on 7/17/14. It's hard to believe. 

  • Online chaos earlier this morning as the world suffered a tech outage.  It's not a cyber-attack but instead a screwup of a security update for a legitimate firm called Crowdstrike which apparently has crippled Windows machines that use it. Our online world, which we now all depend on for the tiniest of things, seems like a ticking timebomb. 

    Excerpt from the story: 

    • DPS driver's license offices just shut down for the day because of it. Of course. 
    • Crowdstrike's CEO even had to go on The Today Show this morning to do damage control:

    • To add to the issue, there is/was another problem, perhaps related, with Microsoft's OneDrive which went down late yesterday. Editor's note: I store everything in OneDrive which is basically a remote hard drive that Windows rolled out a few years ago. 

  • Trump's Speech:
    • He went full Elvis.

    • In light of the assassination attempt, he had the opportunity for a fantastic introduction. Instead, they wheeled out the same old tired Lee Greenwood to whip us with "God Bless The USA." For a born showman, Trump desperately needs new material.
    • Before that, we had full Idiocracy. This makes my head hurt. 

    • Trump started out OK by talking about the assassination attempt. But, to the surprise of no one, he said he was saved because "I had God on my side."

    • There, of course, was a man who died at the rally -- apparently God wasn't on his side -- and Trump had his firefighter's uniform on stage. Oddly, the man's name was misspelled on the back of it, but this doesn't appear to be a Trump campaign mistake. 

    • The shooting is slowly morphing into a "shot to the head." 

    • But after talking about his near death experience, he resorted back to his normal rambling campaign speech of election denialism and demonizing illegal immigrants. Regarding the latter, he promised a "mass deportation" because they are "killing hundreds of thousands of people a year." That's a flat out lie. But I guess that lie is just a prelude for a justification for the upcoming concentration camps.

    • And he used to say that just "some" of those crossing the border were "bad people." Now they all are and worse. And speaking of insane, we had this weird moment: 

    • He seemed very beaten down last night.
    • The New York Times not only doesn't agree but also has apparently jumped the shark:

  • I'm beginning to waffle on my believe that President Biden will not drop out of the race. If it weren't for the Trump's RNC speech last night, it would be the lead story.

  • D Magazine lost a writer I really liked. "Zac Crain was 50 years old when he died Tuesday night. He’d had some kind of illness that kept him away from work, holed up at home, trying to ride it out. Coworkers had taken him food. He said Tuesday morning that he was feeling better. His ex-wife, Nikki, was the one who called police Wednesday for the welfare check. That an ex-wife would be so worried about him says something about the kind of man Zac became. "

  • Lou Dobbs, who was fired from Fox as part of the Dominion $787 million fiasco, has died. He lost his ever-loving mind in his later years on the air. 

  • The Business Second™. "Plans call for roughly 6,000 single-family homes at the development’s completion. [It] will also hold more than 5 million square feet of commercial, mixed-use space and roughly 3,000 multifamily units fronting more than five miles near I-35W."

  • Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 5 years and 14 days.


Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

Technically, it's still around under the name of "Dust" but it can definitely be classified as failed. 

  • A Liberally Lean Exclusive™: A Petition has been filed to remove the DA in Montague County from office due to her recent theft indictment. Interestingly, it's filed by a former Montague County DA and former Wise County assistant DA, Tim Cole.  The Petition (PDF) also alleged details: It claims the DA deposited two checks issued by the state, both in the amounts of $9,166.67, into her personal account instead of using it to pay her investigator's salary. 

  • Look, I don't think President Biden will drop out of the race, but this is getting weird. And I really don't understand the orchestrated attack by Democratic leadership if it doesn't cause him to back out. But the big wigs are definitely involved now:

    • This is basically a veiled admission by Schumer that it happened. 

    • More drumbeats this morning: 

  • The last thing he needed. 

  • At least a man who puts some effort into his chosen line of work. 

  • Let's at least see the ear!

  • RNC quick hits: 
    • Something happened to Matt Gaetz's face.  The funniest line I saw about this was: "Matt Gaetz is two white tigers and a life partner from having a Vegas act."

    • Junior attempted to wow daddy again  It didn't work. . 

    • Full video here. For the first 2:30 she tries to listen while they yell at her for the benefit of the cameras, and then they chase after her for another two minutes. So embarrassing. 

    • Good grief, there's more of them. 

    • More ear patches from delegates. 

    • You're kidding me.

  • Questionable money continues to flow into Abbot's anti-public school voucher war chest.  He is bought and paid for on this issue which will be a focal point in next year's legislative session. Rural voters should be prepared to revolt. 

  • He kind of has a point,

  • A very weird crime and justice story out of Hays County, Texas: In a child sexual assault case, a judge rejected a plea bargain on the morning of trial and then livestreamed jury selection without either the DA or the defense even knowing the court had installed cameras. 

  • Messenger - Above the Fold


Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

The prosecutor dropped the charges "in the interest of justice", and she has since 
been re-elected. She is still on the court. 

  • My Liberally Lean Weather Team woke up to report: A "cold" front moves through this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. It will be hotter at noon than it will be at 5:00 p.m.  And the next few days are an absolute gift for mid-July.

  • Republican National Convention highlights: 
    • Rudy took big a tumble while walking. Video

    • Rep. Matt Gaetz confronted former speaker Kevin McCarthy on the convention floor and almost got his butt kicked.  What he did (video) and how he was confronted (video).

    • The gangs all here in quite the photo.  Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Trump blowing a kiss, the Jewish Space Laser lady in the background, and a giddy VP nominee. 

    • Trump has humiliated them all, but they all showed up and kissed the ring last night.

    • Random photo of a delegate.

  • The gal that butchered the National Anthem before the home run derby offered up an explanation. 

  • Another pretty good graphic of the the shooting scene

    • I'm not a conspiracy theory guy, but I want to see Trump's ear. Something definitely happened to it, and I'll take his word for it that a bullet pierced it, but I'm not ruling out that it got hurt on the ground after he ducked. 
  • That looks pretty nasty. 

  • This is one of the dumbest takes of the Dallas Morning News ever.  Expunction in Texas is ridiculoulsly hard to get and almost impossible to meet the prerequistites. 

  • Old school Ticket fans: Mike Rhyner and The Hammer, of the original Hardline, at the All-Star game last night. 

    • The day before. What hand symbol is he making?

  • The Supreme Court stopped a Texas execution yesterday evening 20 minutes before it was set to happen.