
It's Friday -- Let's Get Out of Here


Random Friday Morning Thoughts

I forgot that Goodell earned that much back in 2014. But since then we no longer know what he makes because the NFL no longer has to disclose it on tax returns.

  • The Bridgeport PD dog suffered a "critical injury during training several weeks ago" but passed away yesterday after being taken to the vet.  The ladder and flag were brought out. (Facebook post)

  • Trump had another wheels off press conference yesterday. The highlights:
    • Bad math: "Virtually 100% of the net job creation in the last year has gone to migrants In fact I've heard substantially more and actually beyond that number 100%. It’s a much higher number than that but the government has not caught up with that yet." Video.
    • "You're all going to be thrown into a communist system. You will be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care." Video
    • "I think I'm going to take some of them back to my cottage and have a lot of fun.  I like the Cheerios. I haven't seen Cheerios in a long time. I'm going to take them back with me." Video.

    • The Harris campaign certainly is not like the Biden campaign. Oh, my.

  • Police have made an identification in the clip below, but no arrests have been made. Hey, I've got a hot opinion: I'm not 100% sure I believe these kids, and I'm not sure this was an attempted abduction.  Being a former young hood rat myself on the mean streets of Bridgeport, what if one of them threw something at the vehicle or yelled something? And what if the passenger (who is a teenager), in a moment of poor judgment, decided to act like he was going to chase the kid only to decide that was a very bad idea once he saw the adult? Some of the kids are running and laughing in the beginning of the video. And they are sure very quick to yell "kidnap" and "abduction" in the whole chain of events. My radar is going off because something's not right. The most complete video I have found is here.

  • Indictments in the death of Matthew Perry were announced yesterday, but I can't get over how prosecutors hold these lengthy "look at me" press conferences. What happened to the days of just indicting someone and doing your job?

  • What the heck is this?

  • That "our love's in jeopardy" song was stuck in my head after I saw this

    • And he looked exactly like Marjorie Taylor Greene's current boyfriend.

  • I can't believe this happened. (If you know, you know.)

  • Very legal nerdy stuff which probably interests only attorneys. Watch this lawyer, who is really smart,  explain to the Court of Criminal Appeals yesterday why he allegedly misrepresented to the court that the State did not oppose a motion he filed in the Kerry Max Cook case.  He was fined $500 after the explanation. 

    • And, man, that lawyer was busy yesterday! Here is he is on that same day in a high profile case being tried in Austin! (From today's front page of the Austin American Statesman)

  • Time which has passed since the Wise County Sheriff's Office, despite having a full male DNA profile, has failed to solve the murder of Lauren Whitener in her home at Lake Bridgeport: 5 years and 42 days.


Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

Ten years ago I stumbled across this 1975 cover from the Bridgeport Index (RIP). That's a news packed front page.

  • If you had trouble getting into Fort Worth yesterday on 287 because of something happening around Bonds Ranch Road, this was your problem:

  • Today's Messenger has this picture of the courthouse renovation and a peek inside what will be the new district courtroom. (Subscribe here so they won't be mad at me.) For those that have been inside it, don't be confused by the rail and the benches which have been moved. That's actually an angle looking towards the southeast.

  • Economy: 
    • The Wall Street Journal today:

    • And Trump was told to go speak on the economy yesterday. He didn't like that. Look at how he started:

  • What a maniac. The video segment from the local ABC affiliate has clips from the encounter and the judge's shocking demeanor in an interview after the fact. ""That's not something that normally happens. But I felt compelled to do it because I didn't like the child's attitude. I haven't been disrespected like that in a very long time.” Puuhlleeese. 

  • Forensic genealogy solved yet another one

  • Let's check in on Fox News.  This kid is 17 year old and his claim to fame it being a friend of Barron Trump.  

  • The initial attack on Israel by Hamas resulted in 1,139 deaths and  251 hostages. Since then:

  • The Business Second™. 

  • Legal nerdy stuff regarding agreeing(?) to arbitration: (Gift link.)

  • The Cowboys have been trade-happy in the last 24 hours  -- all for the defensive line.

  • Messenger - Above the Fold


Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

Doesn't seem that long ago. 

  • The State Fair of Texas banned guns this year but minutes ago Texas AG Ken Paxton entered the fray.  Sheesh. 
  • Breaking: inflation numbers. 

  • Breaking wreck news.

  • We had an abduction attempt in Far North Dallas-- the video is just weird -- but I'm a little surprised the police decided to distribute this LP photo. Shouldn't that be enough for them to track down the lead themselves? That is unless it came back stolen with no leads whatsoever.

    • In case you were wondering, the LP photo didn't come from the grainy video, but from the cell phone camera of the lady wearing the fashionable tennis dress. 

  • A faithful reader tells me that a bowling alley is under construction across from Catfish O'Harlies just north of Decatur.

  • I asked my Liberally Lean Highly Compensated Weather Team about this Fox 4 Forecast, and they told me it's spot on. They also said the trend will continue with 106 on Monday and 107 on Tuesday before backing down to 104 next Wednesday!

  • The guy who posted this is Bo French, the Chairman of the Tarrant County Republican party.  Tarrant is the last red county with a metropolitan population in Texas, and guys like French and County Judge Tim O'Hare are guaranteed to screw that up. 

  • The official Trump campaign Twitter account is going full Willie Horton.

  • Who?

  • Judge shopping didn't work for Elon Musk's silly lawsuit against advertisers since the Fort Worth judge recused himself yesterday (but didn't say why.)

  • The Business Second™.  It's also the combination of  M&M's and Cheez-It. 

  • Let's check in on Fox News. Bo Loudon is 17 years old whose claim to fame is being a friend of Barron Trump. He was brought in as an expert.

  • Dropping like flies at the Evil Empire. 

  • Look at that photo below. The defendant's image is being reproduced in the lawyer's glasses.