I use to throw questions out to the masses when I had comment section. I still think about this one. I'm not sure I've ever been called an idiot quite so much as after this one.
- I'm not sure how there were no serious injuries out of this, but there were not.
- Schools are officially back from Christmas break.
- "Crews accessed the elevator through the top, rescued the woman, and placed her into a working elevator next to the one she was stuck in. From there, she was brought to the top floor, where she could safely exit onto solid ground."
- Wise County's new state rep is quickly demonstrating he's a nut. His new bill will allow anyone who commits a federal crime (with a specific mention and nod towards Insurrection) to run to their local Texas sheriff who must approve the federal warrant before the Feds can arrest him.
- The Texas legislature rolled out a proposed $332 billion (with a b) budget yesterday. Noteworthy:
- Man does bit in Carrolton. Video.
- In Fort Worth yesterday on I-35. "No major injuries."
- A Play
- Act I
- Act II
- Of course.
- January 6th will be whitewashed into a National Holiday by the time all is said and done.
- For Decatur folks: If you might be interested in an update on Eula basketball coach Josh Fostel, the son of our late district judge, here you go.
- Messenger - Above the Fold