
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

In a shocking crime in Graham, a man murdered his two young children and then sent a photo of their bodies to their mother.  After a change of venue order, the trial was transferred from Young County to Tarrant County where the jury rejected the death penalty

  • We might either blow away or catch fire today.
    Yellow Wise County box provided by Liberally Lean Graphics Department

  • Unnerving scene in Denver late yesterday as passengers escaped via the wing while the plane was burning. Video.

  • It was on southbound I-35 in Austin last night. Eleven more were hurt, some critically.

  • And you wonder why I kept mentioning concentration camps? Get ready.  Here comes a 1798 law to move us ever closer to it:

    • And Texas will play a major role. From today's Texas Tribune: 

  • That was quick. 

  • Ironically, we last invaded Panama in 1989 in order to remove a "Strongman."

  • Steller week for Tarrant County DA's office in the felony courts:

  • The Business Second™. 

  • Tiger Woods is dating Trump Jr.'s first wife.

  • Legal nerdy stuff outside of my area: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick unveiled his second round of priorities yesterday.  If you are a plaintiff's personal injury lawyer, you might want to look at Senate Bill 30

  • Oh, my.

  • Lauren Whitener Clock: 5 years and 255 days